
You can always turn off the Crowd Choice option if that’s your preference, which is totally fine. Other people might want to leave it on and experiment with it for fun, cause a little chaos and laughter.

It’s not any different than Xbox Game Pass, for instance. Like Xbox, Stadia offers discounts on certain games on a rotating basis, or offers them for free, if you have a subscription. Any other games you have to pay full price. Stadia has a free subscription as well, but of course you don’t get discounts on games or

While recognising the need to retain top executives”

This isn’t a need. It’s the biggest lie in the corporate universe, in fact.

The difference between a “top executive” and “other executives” is literally a lottery pull. The vast majority of them are staggeringly incompetent or ineffectual people that just ride

being poor is expensive

You don’t do anything to the child. That’s punitive, and only results in deep seated resentment. Just ask my dad what happened to him the day he hit me but I overpowered him. (Magically, I outgrew spanking that day!)

I constantly travel for work, often internationally. My firm shut down pretty much all travel in the Spring and it’s looking like the proscription will continue through end of year. So, for the past few months I’ve just been sitting around in my pyjamas and lazily answering sporadic calls. I’m sure the hammer will

Careful not to cut yourself on that edge.

I watched the entire 30 plus minutes. At one point it went from horrifying to hilarious, just how stupid he is and how easily Swan would catch it and correct him.

People are fucking stupid and Twitter is a vile cesspool. 

Yeah meat and cheese with some pickles on a hunk of wood makes one look so very fucking wealthy. I guess my ploughman’s lunch makes me an English Lord. The Branston Pickle has a gold banner on the jar.

In light of this news, I will continue my boycott of Ellen, which has been in place for the entirety of the show’s existence. Actually, it’s not a boycott so much as it is a complete ambivalence combined with working during the day.

Seriously? It’s not like they held a press conference - they were simply living their lives/affectionate towards each other in public - which I’ve seen many non famous folks do at protests. How are we to know if it’s they’re “debut” out together, or the first time ppl noticed? We’re angry if celebrities are silent,

Who the hell cares if you’re not going to name names? What’s the point of calling people out if you’re not going to call them out? So they sue you? So you’re poor... welcome to what it’s like for everyone else. Don’t sit there and tell me that you care and that you want it to stop when when your money and your

“Look, I promise I’m not racist against Black people. I do, however, not believe in a woman’s right to control her own body. Especially as it pertains to Black women.”

Your Photoshop did a weird thing where it left on a bunch of extra doors. Here you go:

Soooo.... Does anyone understand what the plan is with Deadspin? I know most of the writers are now gone, but unlike Splinter, Deadspin is just sitting there in some sort of zombie state with old stories and no discussions, but as if it might still be around. Meanwhile sports stories are showing up on AVClub.

It must be reflective of Boomers’ collective guilt that this stings so bad and unlike GenX, y’all don’t take their criticisms to heart - good for you! That or it’s all just crocodile tears and pearl clutching.

1) This is New Zealand, where they have 79% voter turnout. In the U.S., where voter turnout was 55% in 2016, older people swing elections more because they do have higher turnout.

And Jeffrey Epstein didn’t commit suicide.

As a Gen Xer, I just want to point out that I was anti-Boomer way before it was cool.