
Great job everybody!

Same. Here, have this.

What loopholes?

As a lifelong Californian, that incredible waste of water really grinds my gears.

Now playing

So great he was rewarded for his originality! Let the Hollywood circlejerk continue!

Now playing

My friends give me hell about it, but I love this guy’s channel for mellowing out after a long day.

Question for backpackers: What do you do with the grounds on the trail? It should probably be packed out, right? I’ve only ever used instant because of that. I’d love to get one of those sweet little espresso presses, but I already pack too many luxuries and am trying to lighten up!

Question for backpackers: What do you do with the grounds on the trail? It should probably be packed out, right?

I dunno, seems pretty cool to me. 

Nah, sporting apparel. :)

I work for a manufacturer/distributor and I know it’s like whack-a-mole with these 3rd party and grey market sellers. Some of them are outright criminal counterfitters. All of this brings down the brand image and customer trust.

How did I not buy a house yet? I stayed in California!

Also, Deering Banjo’s out in east county.

Exactly... my reaction to this whole article:

They sound exactly the same and stand just as stable upside-down.

Here’s a bit of good news:


I need to implement this at my place.