
Doogie Howser. She just skipped med school.

Or ya could put away your pretty little glow box and interact with the human sitting next to you. Chances are they're just bored and not some "Peeping Dilbert."

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They DID brawl in the street already! Well, more like, in the forest...

WhAt BoThErS mE iS tHaT tHeY sTiLl Do ThIs. It's not 1995. Can't they just unhack their damn keyboards already?

I think that's what Anonymous is telling the Federal Reserve.


Amen to that!

"The naked streetfighter will use the recently announced 900cc parallel twin-cylinder engine developed by Husqvarna in conjunction with its owner BMW."

IT'S A SATCHEL! Indiana Jones uses one.

Looks more like a streetfighter style inspired supermoto. I look forward to seeing how it turns out!

I doubt it. Sure, BMW bought Husqvarna motorcycles, but they have left them pretty much to themselves as far as design. I thought there would have been a bunch of crossover as well, but I have yet to see it.

What? It's totally green!

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Amen to that! I heard these were actually his cars, and not just rented for the video. Hell, he even drives a Moonbuggy in one of his videos!

Exactly what I was thinking... Used to scare the bajeezus out of non-tech co-workers all the time with that :)

HUZZAH!!! Uhh... Not many seem to care? :(

I break more wine glasses when I hand wash em... Damn these vice-grip hands of mine!!!

Pretty much the same points made in this article apply to dirtbikes... Smoothness is key. Any brake snatchy tendencies you have on the street will be amplified offroad due to less grip available. Whatever you do, do NOT avoid the front brake. Learn to use it effectively, or enjoy your Wile E. Coyote descent off your

They've convinced the hell outa Juggalos everywhere.

In before, "That's why I don't have a Facebook!"

Harumph... That's no retina display.