Amazing... Now if only there was a company out there willing to build urban apartment/condos like this at a reasonable price!
Amazing... Now if only there was a company out there willing to build urban apartment/condos like this at a reasonable price!
Yep... they're not even trying to hide it anymore.
Good breakdown... hopefully people read your comment before turning into Captain Snarkington of the SS Trollpostalot.
If you can shove some lights in there, you can shove more screen in too. I'd prefer more screen. Why not just put an LED light on the top and/or behind the home button for passive notification?
Amen to that!
I wonder if those wonderful people would have used them even if they had the options we have today... What's next, landlines?
Seems like the majority of Gizmodenizens are not ready for touch only input.
Nail clippers on a tech blog? Hopefully some of the Youtube presenters out there take note... Clip your nasty talons before making a video about a handheld device! *barf*
Took the words outa my mouth... Why is a Retina Display magical, and a 3D screen is cringeworthy? They're both trying to give the illusion of reality on a tiny screen.
Ridiculous... like a fox?
Not nearly the worst thing I've seen attached to a drill on the internet.
Wonder how many penises they had to serenade before Diana came along...
Holy cow... I still hadn't installed it on chrome due to massive brainfart, but wow, what a difference! Thanks!
Some people value quantity over quality... and judging by Subway's domination over Mom & Poppies Sammich Shoppe, I'd say there's quite a few of them. I make bigger poops from $5 at Subway, so it gets my dollar.
Oh, and I suppose next you'll tell us that radio stations don't adjust the song rotations based on listener requests? Yeah right! Pshaw...
Looked more like he shoved the air gun nozzle a little too far in there.
Seconded! I love the looks of this laptop, and I don't like OS X... but they must be crazy to think I'd be willing to pay more to NOT dual boot an Air!