
Still have a tape deck... And this one never leaves my glovebox.

Don't think a guy at Dell has a giant bucket of screws that he purposely puts into envelopes in pairs before packing them in a box. They come prepackaged in pairs, and warehouse workers are trained to treat the kits as a single item, not to tear each one open and put them in a little bag to ship easier...

Does having long, nasty fingernails help programmers in some way?

@Adam Spano: Yea, you're right. Looks like they edited it anyways.

@mloniero: Ignore the haters... Keep puttin on good shows and let the people who actually watch your set live tell you how it was!

@ronbo11c: "you get what you pay for. " Exactly. Sucks that your company gave you a terrible laptop to compare with! ;)

@saboth: Glad you learned from it. Hopefully people read down a bit before continuing to bash you.

@tasteskindasalty: Hopefully the dock/screen/keyboard will be much less expensive than a comparable netbook. Hopefully...

@ccbweb: Sure, it would be nice to consolidate all that, but can your phone run it all?

Coming this summer to AT&T:

@Syrax: Sounds pretty similar if you watch the vid up top at about 3:45... maybe it's just differences in the camera's (mics) used. Either way, thanks for posting another eargasmic video!

Damn 'zonies.

How many profiles have you viewed where you have seen this? Wait... How many profiles do you even view? I'd never see this if any of my friends did it! haha... I'll just see a stream of clipped up pics on my newsfeed. Good job with your new MyFace2.0 profile! Now all you need is glittery gifs!