@Dab O' Swine: Excellent. Sometimes I wish I COULD do that :)
@Dab O' Swine: Excellent. Sometimes I wish I COULD do that :)
Uh oh... Bono just got served!!! I believe it is now "on"?
101. People who think they're the only person who just felt that earthquake, and that it's their duty to post about it.
@underwear-ninja: NO! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER!!!
Longitudinal mount = Torque lean. Do not want.
@Devastator247: "This V4 literally is half an LS7.R, just downsized."
If you can't munch on a roasted turkey leg while watching these videos, you should reconsider your diet. I don't particularly enjoy seeing the processing, but I understand how it came about, and why they are in place (we like cheap meat). Don't act like this was some grand unveiling of the food production process...…
Hmm... seems like alot of Jalops think great passing is done off the track, or putting someone else off. Truly great passes are done with setup, skill, and balls. Not bulldozing in and riding people out.
Apparently she thought she was too pretty for a body scan? Shoot, if I get pulled, I chubb up to scare the poor bastard behind the wall.
@pjstevens77: I was well on my way to NP... but from your account, it sounds like a basketcase waiting to suck your fun money dry. CP.
@FritzLaurel: I thought you could get them processed and uploaded digitally to an account... I can't remember if it was Walmart or CVS who did it, but I think it's possible without reinvesting in a scanner :)
Yea!!! Lets all get Jitterbugs!
Hmm... I wonder if that was his bike? Chances are, if you've ever had a bike stolen from you, you'd wish these cops would be the ones to find the crook.
@bobmarley101: haha... that one actually made me chuckle.
@I Party With Smoot: Yea, I've gotten the feeling that Giz commenters have turned into a bunch of crotchity old fogeys... "Ehh terrible music you whippersnappers!! And what's with all the panning! I can't focus on anything aaauughh... *poopmypants*"
@Paper-Cut: Unless you have an emotional investment in either company, you are dead on.
@HoonThatFerrari-isNowHooning a Maserati: I saw nothing in the article regarding maintenance... Adherence to, or disregard for.
As far as I know, MS isn't releasing a phone on that day... No direct competition there. So why is it a bad idea to open your store on a day you KNOW will have an exceptional amount of foot traffic? Who knows, maybe they will change some minds of die-hard Apple fans.
The only thing in the world you can never make more of is time.