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    That’s really not compelling at all. 25 mph is a massive restriction for something car sized and car priced. I poked around the used market for electric cars and any one of the options there at the same price point could at least break 50 mph. Is there room in many household budgets for a second car payment for

    3*) Work a million hours, get paid like you worked 10 while the C-suite pockets the rest.

    The biggest problem with Kill the Justice League is, like, I don’t want to kill those people. I want to BE those people.

    Do we know for sure Elon Musk isn't just Attorney Lionel Hutz in a skin suit?

    The games industry has forever been telling us we don’t want single player games anymore, and we have forever been giving that idea the finger. Still remember EA telling us Visceral Studios had to go because single player games were dead... only to have Jedi Fallen Order smash sales records a few years later.

    Can't wait for the 'Bad Apple, but it’s bacteria eating a literal bad apple' PhD thesis.

    Someone who supports a (usually) romantic pair-up in fictional setting. The ‘ship’ in shipper is short for ‘relationship’. 

    Is this boundary enforceable across fictional universes? 

    That really isn’t letting go. You’re still holding on to a vision of NMS that exists only in you, and after seven years of holding on to that, Hello Games has no hope of living up to it.

    This is No Man’s Sky, for better or worse. There’s not going to be another. Letting go means moving on from that vision of a game

    It's been seven years, man. Just let it go.

    That’s not what intent is. Putting “Chevrolet Camaro” in the generator prompt means YOU intend to see a Camaro, but the AI doesn’t and cannot act with intent; it’s not alive or aware. It is a machine. You are not handing instructions to an artist who intends to make art. You are pushing a button and the AI returns the

    He was at MegaCon??? DAMNIT, why didnt I go? I could have met him!

    Reading and commenting on Elden Ring articles guarantees you will see more of them in the future. This is their business model, and in it, eyeballs and engagement are what matter, not entitled whining. 

    Let you imagination run a little. You might actually see a way it could happen.

    This guy didn’t plead guilty to pirating games... he pled guilty to “circumventing technology.”

    ‘Its technically possibe to play NMS offline’

    ....Jaff Bezos’ Yacht just pumped $500-million into an industry that is currently suffering thanks to global product shortages and lack of cruise passengers.

    I feel ancient for knowing this.

    🎵We are no strangers to M.A.D...🎵
    🎵We never launch, and everyone’s glad🎵

    wtf dude, hahahaha