wtf dude, hahahaha
wtf dude, hahahaha
So was betamax and HD-DVD, once upon a time. The high profile total and complete failure of Ubisoft's quartz platform shows consumers aren't interested in NFTrash, and as that continues, the pushers who really really want it to be will be forced to back down. Shits gotta make money now to be sustainable later, and…
Zombie Infected Cadaver Turtles
Zombie Infected Cadaver Turtles
Zombie Infected Cadaver Turtles
Walkers in a half shell!
“To be fully honest with myself, I probably wouldn’t give a damn what you called me if it was followed by “25-time Jeopardy champion.”
82kWh for each NFT??? WTF, this one transaction sucks down more juice than 100 (!!!) high end-ish Gaming PCs running at full blast for an hour? Whatever NFTs have to offer, it can’t be worth that.
Oh so how long are we supposed to exactly wait for a real solution?
This took like 5 seconds to google, man.
GTA 5 running a copy of skyrim on an in-game computer with a mod installed that turns Skyrim into Vice City.
Miyamoto is why Mario and Link easily made the jump to 3D - defining their respective genres while they were at it - While Sonic is still floundering around it decades after the Sega Saturn launched.
Did he really earn that verdict, though?
Gabe has the time stone. He was so disappointed with how HL3 turned out that he unmade the game and unbirthed the devs so they can be reborn with better game making skills before they grow up and join Valve again.
I just don’t “get” how this content serves any other role being on Twitch’s platform other than “come gawk at the pretty woman in a bakini.. just like, sitting around in the bath?”
The issue is some people cannot get the sex they want. The solution to this problem - claim and process your baggage, developing yourself into an attractive person, acquiring the skills needed to maintain a romantic relationship with another human being - seem too hard, so they just keep the other out of their space…
Girls dressing scantily clad on camera? Nobody cares and that’s not what this is about.
The bike is not fused with the guy’s consciousness and cannot make dramatic changes in direction and speed in less than two seconds.
I think someone successful enough to consider a luxury car and responsible enough to maintain payments on it should also be intelligent enough to know seeing an ad where a cartoon scissor handed man used one feature in limited 100% controlled circumstances does not mean it is a fully autonomous vehicle in real life.
Twitch takes half your sub money, so a hundred subs is going to be a weekly part-time job paycheck per month. No where near ‘a shitload’ of money, even with bits and donations. Far more important than followers is the average number of viewers, who will not only have a higher concentration of subs than overall…
Much easier to do when you actually have a box, instead of a self-lit two-tone art project.
I still don’t know why it had to be a weird tuxedo thing. Can’t it just be a slightly stylized box? Whats wrong with that? The screen is where we look when we play games. I’m hoping the PS5 slim, if it happens, brings us something more nondescript instead of an inside-out oreo.
why do some people obsess over graphics and optimal performance like it’s be all, end all of a video games quality and value?