
Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

That’s not a celebration, that’s a suicide attempt.

France just surendered to the Vikings.

Lets review shall we:

She got there before he revealed what he knew about Craig James.

I wish I knew if he felt blessed or not.

I’ll still take the 2003 draft when the Vikings missed their pick and teams started bum rushing the stage to try to get their picks in ahead of them

So tragic, another Dolphin getting caught up in the net.

He says a doctor told him his frontal lobe looks like “someone who has fallen off the top of a house, on to the front of his head, or going through a windshield of a car several times.” But even that, the doctor said, was “decent...for an NFL football player” who played for 13 years. Thomas then added, “But then I

Though Bo Jackson deservedly gets all the credit, and Iron Head Heyward or QB EAGLES most of the follow-up, “You know who else was really good...” praise, Thurman was probably a top-5 player in the Tecmo games as well. Dude was a beast!

Where the fuck is Randy Johnson?! SAVE US, RANDY!

RG3 will have a great run in Cleveland. Too bad they’ll be down 30 to Pittsburgh when it happens.

Now playing

None of this is as awe-inspiring as Asmodunk

Oh, how the mighty have fallen — from Money Manziel to Dead Money Manziel.

There should be a follow-up question if you answer yes to permadeath. If you choose permadeath, do you actually abide by it, or do you simply reset the game when it happens? Because if it’s the latter, you should just choose no permadeath.

When you've had the kind of drought the Skins have had, there comes a time that even your Cousins start to look pretty good.

Between this, Diablo, and Hearthstone, Blizzard has become frighteningly good at loot container opening porn. Their next game will probably be called Open These Sweet-Ass Boxes, and I will spend several thousand dollars on it.

Please, yes, just to see Andy Reid try to manage these.

You’re that guy in Risk that just attacks one territory in a friendly way so he can get his card without pissing anyone off. Then, 1 hour later, you cash in 6 cards and roll over everyone with your massive army.

That would be like that one motherfucker holding onto a Draw 4 card in Uno and laying that down on someone right before they win.