
On one hand, I kind of agree with the headline-fail sentiment that singing along with a song is not “chanting”. “Chanting” makes it sound like Charlottesville 2.0 or something and... this wasn’t that. But spending too much time on that point seems like losing the forest for the trees. Even if it’s not chanting, I’m

“I’m surrounded by Ahos!”

I’m not sure this is that different than the licensing deals in traditional sports — if you buy a LeBron James jersey, that money goes to NBA Properties (or some such entity) and the money is distributed to all the teams equally; none of that money goes to LeBron or the Cleveland Cavaliers.

I don’t give a flying fig about OWL, but there are certain league skins that are either pretty sweet (a couple of D-Va’s color combos spring to mind), or at least would represent an upgrade on anything I already have for the character (coughZaryacough).

There’s no way McMahon can con part of the American public into supporting a shitty third-rate product for two or three years despite an ever-growing mountain of evidence that...

Oh wait.

Keep in mind it doesn’t actually have to be good football. We’ve reached the point where MAGA mouth-breathers will hate-watch stuff

“ESPN reported that the Pirates are listening on Cole, a former first-round pick of the Yankees who never signed with them, and the two teams could match up well in a potential deal.”

Well, there ya go. 

As great a game as Persona 5 is, I’d totally be OK with Mona shutting the fuck up. And Ryuji, for that matter.

It’s beginning to look a lot like cirrhosis...

Let’s be honest — I’m not sure fans care deeply about injured players on a human level REGARDGLESS of fantasy football. There might be some immediate revulsion if the injury was particularly nasty (Theismann, etc.) but then we probably all fall back on “they get paid millions to play a kids’ game and they have access

I thought we’d reached Peak Red-Ass when Brett Gardner went off about the Yankees having names on jerseys for Players’ Weekend, but shows what I know...

I’m a lifelong Pittsburgher but it’s hard to argue much of this. I’m not sure which Yinzer Hypocrisy was better:

Fans ripping Harrison as greedy and delusional when he first left for Cincinnati (doan he unnerstan’ hah the cap works an’at?), but talking about what a class act and how he Bleeds Black And Gold(tm) when he

As a native, it’s never sat right with me that we act like putting the fries ON THE SANDWICH is some sort of scientific breakthrough on par with the moon landing.

Now, Fat Head’s... those guys make a sandwich worth talking about.

Maatta’s “facial hair” made Crosby look like Grizzly Adams in comparison.

Bah! Football 2 (aka the green one) with passing and the ability to move all four directions was where it’s at.

Knowing nothing about the guy, my initial thought was the blood clot thing — i.e. if you sit in one place too long, you get a blood clot that travels and blocks something critical. It’s the same reason they advise people on long plane rides to get up and stretch their legs every once in a while. 

I’m waiting for the easter egg that proves ME exists in the same universe as House of Cards, and that she was cloned from Claire Underwood’s DNA.

Sombra grenade fun also going to be a popular choice.

You can also see the guy two people directly behind Trump — his smile vanishes even faster than Melania’s.

It’s not an ult, but it’s always fun to throw down Mei’s ice wall behind the person shooting you in the face.

I think a baseball problem with his candidacy is that the Phillies sucked most of the time he was there (caught lightning in a bottle in ‘93, cratered the rest of the time), and then he spent the second half of his career overshadowed by playing the sidekick role to an even better pitcher on two different teams —