
The thing that’s particularly stupid is that they’ve tried this “new” strategy, and it’s already 0-for-2: MAA Tactics and MAA2 were both — to varying degrees — supposed to be the game that replaced MAA1, and neither one got much traction. Cynical Me thinks their new “strategy” is “this time we just kill MAA entirely

Depending on the system, dexterity needs to be higher. Not getting hit at all >> being able to take a lot of hits.

+$75 million

“Ummm... sir? That’s a sink.”

As someone who plays D.Va a lot, I like the proposed changes. Part because I’m a knucklehead and forget to flee my own blast 10% of the time, part because the current implementation of Defense Matrix is so clunky it’s almost not worth using.

You spend all day standing in shit? Don’t blame Sidney Crosby for your poor life choices.

“sometimes even (obnoxiously) repeating catchphrases in real life.”

I’m still going back on answering my cell phone “Reinhardt, at your service” or “Name’s McCree”. I’m not quite bubbly enough to pull off “Tracer here!”

Symmetra on defense, where you have time to set up turrets — great.

Symmetra in a mobile fight... not so much.

Let me know what Bill Simmons thinks about the Sanders candidacy.

Rovell gets “vitriol” yes. Rovell gets “vitriol that treats his gender as an automatic disqualifier for basic competence at his job”... I bet not.

Rovell gets “vitriol that includes rape and death threats”... I haven’t exhaustively examined his feed, but I’m willing to bet the answer to that is not only no, but hell no.

Any chance there’s a model that comes with a cape?

I usually do my first run with no permadeath so I can get to know the characters, figure out which ones I like playing, which ones I’m OK with using as cannon fodder, whose stories feel more interesting, etc. and then go back and try a permadeath run. Yeah, you don’t get the whole experience in either run (on the

That’s a hot toke... err... take.

“I’ve seen better.”

I know Kroenke (and the system that allows sports teams to extort communities) is the overall bad guy here, but let’s also be honest that the city signed off on a shit deal they never should’ve signed in the first place. The “first-tier” clause ended up amounting to the city of St. Louis writing the Rams a 30-year

I actually noticed it (his general inexperience as a conventional interviewer, not the softballs) more the previous night — he was stepping all over Scarlett Johansson’s answers setting up the next joke, and then you could tell Elon Musk was uncomfortable with the humor and a more experienced host might have dialed

“I know Sensei Kreese is rumored to have instructed his students to sweep the legs of opponents, but it sure seems like that gives anyone who lost the All-Valley Karate Championship in the late 70s or early-80s a built-in excuse for failure.”

I would’ve said Billy Volek just because he spent several years as the designated Backup Some Team Should Give A Chance To.

I’m rooting for Ronda Rousey to offer to “mediate”, by which she would mean “beating the piss out of both of them”.

“Walk it off.”

— gym teachers everywhere