I’m not sure I could bring myself to pull the trigger given how much he’s become the identity of the team, but I’ve never been convinced Crosby is the right kind of superstar for the playoffs when the refs put the whistles in the pockets.
I’m not sure I could bring myself to pull the trigger given how much he’s become the identity of the team, but I’ve never been convinced Crosby is the right kind of superstar for the playoffs when the refs put the whistles in the pockets.
He may not look like a 40-goal scorer, but he’s got it where it counts, kid.
As a Pens fan, I like the general theory of getting a real scoring wing instead of hoping Crosby can spin straw into gold with a middling talent.
Having said that, I shudder to think what shambling undead remains are going to be filling the back end of the roster.
Billy Zabka. With the “get him a body bag” kid as an occasional guest columnist. EVERYONE KNOWS THIS.
It can’t be coincidence that this happened right after Gregggggg Easterbrook went on the market.
Grantland 2.0: less GLOREEBOYS, more profiles of Division II tight end/long-snappers.
I pick Grantland as a prime Ewing Theory candidate.
What the hell was Markov (#79) doing on that play? I mean... I get that the D has to play the pass, but “back up to the edge of the crease and then flop around on the ice like a recently-boated marlin” wasn’t the most effective way to play it...
I just figured the idea of Jameis Winston going #1 overall triggered a nervous breakdown.
“Bradley? He’s probable.”
— Bill Belichick
“Big ideas”
(but only the ideas I tell you to have)
On one hand, a reporter making himself the story is something of a cardinal sin. On the other hand, he’s not wrong that Rutherford’s moves this season have felt more like reshuffling the cards and hoping for a better deal on the next hand than a coherent plan.
“What kind of person talks to reporters like that?”
— Hal McRae
As a lifelong Pittsburgh Pirates fan: Francisco Cabrera hits a harmless grounder to short, Pirates go to the 1992 World Series.
Granted, the dark times were coming anyway, but they would’ve been slightly easier to tolerate if we had made the Series in ‘92.
I think the big mistake Sarkeesian's detractors make is to view her positions as ironclad "demands"; they're really more like "market feedback". Game companies are always looking for ways to increase their player base, and female gamers are a potentially huge under-served segment. I never took her opinions — at their…
John Oliver is seriously bringing it on his HBO show, though it's a) paid cable and b) weekly. He's shaping up to be a worthy successor if they can give him a vehicle that's got wider reach.
Here's a fun little thought exercise: pretend this was written about racist/sexist/homophobic trash-talk instead of time management. "Now look son, you really shouldn't repeatedly call your opponent a 'fag', and in 20 minutes we're going to have a serious talk about it because we don't want to waste other people's time…
What you suggest is fine for the first or second offense. But at some point, if the rule keeps getting broken, then the more important problem is that the kid places WAY too much importance on games, and at that point, saying "I'm going to wait 20 minutes for there to be consequences because finishing the game is…
I don't mind the sharing of the information; in fact I welcome it — I accept that if I let my kid play online, I have some responsibility to make sure he follows etiquette of the communities he's participating in. Where it starts crossing the line is where it presumes to lecture parents that responsibility to…
I see both sides of the argument on this one. (Perspective: father of a current 10-year-old, and also have a college-age kid who now makes her own choices about this stuff.) My son doesn't play League specifically, but he does play some other online games, so I have some general perspective.
On one hand, if I'm letting…
Same — I was active from Day 1 up through Lich King, but then I took a break. Popped back in for Cataclysm for a while, popped back in for a really brief visit for Pandaria (Pandas? Really?), and... yup... popping back in for Draenor, though I might stick around a while this time because my son is old enough to play…