
If he didn't take the glove off first, that's a game misconduct.

Just in case it wasn't a typo, the Steelers traded for Visanthe Shiancoe the night before the game.

I presume the people tearing up at this wedding were victims of Axe bodyspray fumes.

I'm pretty sure this could've been avoided if he'd waited half an hour before going in.



I don't consider this rumor confirmed until Goodell fines James Harrison.

@Deadp00l: Fights like him, though.

"And that's easily a 10-year old cock."

@twoeightnine: Don't worry... once the DA puts the pressure on, he'll roll over on the Fry Guys.

That's a nervous age for a parent because their ability to do dangerous stuff has accelerated way past their mental capacity to understand danger or remember what they're not supposed to do. Or their physical ability to protect themselves/recover from a dangerous moment — they can get into the trouble, but then can't

No love for Tim Worley (RB, Steelers, #7 overall pick), generally known by the nickname "Whoops Worley" for his inclination to fumble?

Isaiah Thomas was seen fleeing from the grassy knoll...

I don't know about SHOTY, but I'm hoping for a death reel accompanied by some tasteful vuvuzela music.

@sir_pantsalot: Hey, remember that part where McCain pretty much flushed the experience question down the toilet so he could get a easy-on-the-eyes fundie on the ticket to pander to the base while also trying to "out-minority" Obama? And then it turned out she was an inarticulate mouth-breather who shouldn't be

@ChupaBOBra: I think jumping twice represents Russell's entire offseason training regimen.

Now if the Pentagon can just figure out a way use those TV signals to coordinate Predator drone strikes, we're in business.

What's Spanish for "Take my shots, bitches!"?