
They also both had trouble winning on the road.

if men didn't mope away when I didn't have one. (Note: this is not a bad thing, that men are concerned with my pleasure.

I'm really glad you added the narrow exception to your rant. Let's call it the "strict scrutiny" test for sexual encounter. There must be a necessary and compelling reason for a woman to fake it. And in the case of the long-term relationship where you are sexually satisfied on the whole and the majority of the time, I

My SO will fake orgasms when we're just doing a quickie for fun. We both know she's doing it, but I'm easy to please. Just the fact that she's play acting for my benefit is really sweet and turns me on. Telling the difference is also really easy, because fake O's are loud and outrageous. Real O's are nearly silent

I agree with the theory behind this, HOWEVER...

Anyone else in the NW? It's like a weird little weather bubble here. I'm from the South, so I totally appreciate how gorgeous the summers here are. When I first moved to Portland from Tennessee five years ago, I would get annoyed by how people would complain how "hot" it was when it was 85 with almost no humidity.

Personally, I've never made it up to his face.

Please sleep with me, Jon Hamm.

Once your vag has been penetrated by one penis, it's just worthless. May as well hang it up after that, eh ladies?

Thank you all for the nice comments. I am very surprised to have received a positive response after all of the commotion out there on "teh interwebz." While I do see the point of the comments that essentially say that her sign is risque, if it started a debate that helped everyone see the type of protesting that was

"Also, what is up with the (mostly) conservative right's conclusion that allowing A dick in a vagina is the same thing as ALL the dicks in that vagina?"

Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are going to negate existence... And this time they don't have to go to Jersey. (Dogma) :-)

This sounds like something a stoner made up when he/she had the munchies.

Do you think they're mad because the girls uttered "dirty" words, or because they let the cat out of the bag about the mechanics of sex?

:D I can't wait until my partner is fixed so I don't have to worry about getting pregnant. He is the best person in my state for doing it.

Guys James Deen tweeted the lovely ladies of Jezebel! Hmmm I'm guessing this event is getting its own post?? It must! I'm not really into porn personally but he's just the cutest cute cutie pie.

It's telling how they define the word "slut." Having sex isn't actually necessary; all that's required is being female, existing, and having opinions they don't agree with.

I hope I can even approach being as cool as this dad when I have kids.

And 2000. ;)