I once had a guy I had not boned with yet - but was heading in that direction - tell me, in all seriousness - "I'm not very experienced but I have learned a lot from watching porn".
I once had a guy I had not boned with yet - but was heading in that direction - tell me, in all seriousness - "I'm not very experienced but I have learned a lot from watching porn".
Not only could he know who he got it from and these are 4 additional partners, but many STI's are asymptomatic in women, so they don't know they have it until they pass it on to a male partner who tells them :( Unless they are getting regularly tested.
What if she gets tested and doesn't have it? Transmission rates aren't 100%. I wouldn't tell a partner I *might* have an STD but I *didn't*. Especially not a random hookup.
seriously when I saw the thumbnail image I was all "Fucking Nike assholes redesigned our uniforms again???" Glad I'm not the only one.
Bourbon is my drink. And this is 100% me. Except the gay part... no one ever thinks I'm gay.
Non-hypothetical 30-something PDX girl enjoys herself a margarita ;) but she still knows how to keep her mouth shut and is the bitter married lady at showers that terrifies the 20-somethings.
Been with my husband for 10 years, but thanks bro! (For the record... I mean it could happen to me if I were single... I don't text pictures of my box to rando men... Just my girlfriends)
Seriously? Are all the bitches you guys know crazy? This is 100% the sort of scenario that could happen to me (as the bridesmaid) and I would never tell the bride. Ever. Because I am not a stupid cunt that would ruin someone's marriage for no reason.
When I was in college (2000-2004) 1/8 was $40. Of course that was really good Oregon weed so... yeah. I'll take that over nasty Mexican straw.
This was one of my favorite childhood meals that my mom made.
It doesn't need to reach boiling any more than your burger must. It needs to reach 165. Meat thermometer. Boom.
Boooooooo... seeing another man naked involved in sexual activity doesn't make you gay, you know :P
Nope. I assure you, pencil skirts bunch up around the hips as easy as anything.
So.... I was hooking up with this guy who actually tried to talk me in to a threeway with his brother.
Aren't you the person I had the conversation on Jez with about going to Matador?
I get the ones at my adult shop... $3 for 3. But it doesn't make it any less of an annoyance when they run out.
Timber Joey! <3 him & <3 his honorary milkshake @ Burgerville.
"Every stupid toy that take button batteries only takes two"
I was inspired to follow these instructions (more or less) for my lunch salad this week.
PDX is an airport too ;) yet a common nickname for our fair city.