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I really enjoyed watching the Monacan player (#9?) beating his chest while facing the Lake Taylor bench, as the winning TD is scored sending him and his teammates home for the year — how's that jackass feeling today?

Inmate #1: Jesus Christ, dude! How long have they kept you in solitary?

I've fought and defeated over thirty animals on this list. #CrimingWhileWhite

Pretty fucking homophobic to assume that ALL gay couples generate a horrific, stadium-filling stench wherever they go.

It's the only time you'll ever see these two hoping for a bunch of black guys to be more aggressive.

Ambulance to the hospital? I guess Jerry Jones isn't there to miraculously cure him and tell the coach to put him back in.

Gee, I knew most New Yorkers were assholes. But also conservative assholes?

At least the players can fall back on their UAB degree when they go pro in something other than sports.

"Silence in the Barclay Center as you can imagine."

If a referee falls on the court and no fans are there to see it, does it make a sound?

-1, you're a month too soon.

Are we sure D-Rose isn't Italian, because he sure is fra-gi-le.

I would go with ANY combination of Fade-Away, Contested, and 18 Footer other than the one you chose.

"It's coming to you!' -Jason Kidds' car to the telephone pole.

I love how the crowd literally gives no fucks. In america you would have seen three women crying, seven fathers would have jumped the barricades and started beating the shit outta each other for no reason and the cops would have shot the kid down. Go Russia!

Cue the dipshit brigade and their "Muh daddy whupped me an' ah turned out jist fahn" comments.

I'd be a lot more nervous to be around Kendrick Perkins, even when he's happy.

Based on what? Broad shoulders? Being seven feet tall doesn't make you a bad ass, and it sure doesn't mean you know how to throw a punch. I'd be a lot more afraid of Tony Allen than Dwight Howard.