I don’t know why you would disclose this. Just rind the wave, dude. Age matters when teams negotiate contracts. It doesn’t make or break a contract, but in terms of total value, it can matter.
I don’t know why you would disclose this. Just rind the wave, dude. Age matters when teams negotiate contracts. It doesn’t make or break a contract, but in terms of total value, it can matter.
Check out this guy!!
does this post actually make no sense to anyone else?
Shitwhole Foods?
Came to say they should have hired David Duchovny to play Jeff Goldblum being fascinated by things, but Jeff Goldblum seems to have that covered.
Jeff Goldblum always talks as if he's really David Duchovny playing Jeff Goldblum on Celebrity Jeopardy.
The good news is pretty soon it’ll only take one plane crash to restore parity to the NBA.
as a former chemical enthusiast, I can say his eyes looked like he had been “hitting the slopes” for the past 36 hours.
How do these things make potatoes easier to grab with tongs? Uncut white potatoes might be the easiest thing to grab with tongs.
How do these things make potatoes easier to grab with tongs? Uncut white potatoes might be the easiest thing to grab…
I guarantee you that Blake Farenthold would fall for this.
There’s a premise built into the structure of the Olympics that pretty much every single Olympian, even those far…
“and yet Ingraham goes straight for an attack on his “un-grammatical” and “barely intelligible” words”
I’m not the first to point it out, but this take by Ley aged beautifully.
Me and my boy Gaear prefer the ones up in Brainerd.
Giselle, 2012: “My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time.”
I bet these sorry NBA officials didn’t even call that a charge.
I though “NYAAAHH!!” was what Jackie Christie yells to Doug when she pulls up on the bridle.
We need to discuss the more pressing issue. What kind of shitty shitty dive bar did Drew pick to host the SB Deadcast? St. Paul is a fairly good sized city, yet this bar is offering THREE free drinks for the $10 cover? Is this a hobo bar?
Paul Pierce sucks and both he and Doc Rivers were about to get ran out of town until Ray Allen and KG came and saved their asses. If it weren’t for KG, Paul Pierce would have been forgotten already or, if he was remembered, as one an okay play that wasn’t good enough to do shit in the playoffs.
Maybe she was watching Netflix videos of how to run a company.