
Missing 26 games tends to greatly skew that FG% upwardly, by the way.

You do realize this happened in New Zealand and not America right? Try watching a video or reading a article before replying next time.

It's my video, and I took it down because of copyright issues. YouTube had said it was banned in certain countries, so I deleted it. Uploading again now, should be up in a little while.

Just like Wade.

Nice to see Lou Diamond Phillips able to find work, if even under a different name.

Best part though is that she timed her spill perfectly with "never a dull moment."

I'm not sure which I'm more excited for. The NBA offseason/draft/trades/etc or what the next NBA Countdown crew is going to look like.

Yeah, Bill - we definitely want to hear you before the former player and coach.

Steve Coburn's post-race interview is what happens when you put a mic in the face of someone who only spent 10K on their horse.

Appropriate that this happened at the X-Games, as Manziel is clearly working on his 1st Round Flopper 540.

I love that Rovell is not calling them utilizing poor science or outright lying, he's reprimanding them for not properly tending to the evolution of their brand over the last 40 years.

Cant we just put cameras on our guns?


It's a perspective thing. And yes, from this angle, it looks incredible. But it gets a lot less impressive when you see it from the proper perspective and realize he's not actually white.

It's funny if you listen to it in a certain way, like with the speakers on 'mute'

SNY's number looks a lot better when you consider that the alternative would be to have the Mets take up more of the screen.

this comments thread was cute until it turned into a WV vs SC spittle war. :/

my neighbor's sister-in-law makes $82 /hr on the laptop . She has been fired for 9 months but last month her income was $21622 just working on the laptop for a few hours. look at this website...............www.slamjobs.com

Update 4:38 PM. Guacamole served