Please, people, vote in the primaries! And if you see support for charter schools on their resumé, it doesn’t mean they’re necessarily a Republican, but it does mean that they have good relationships with Republicans, so take that into account!
Please, people, vote in the primaries! And if you see support for charter schools on their resumé, it doesn’t mean they’re necessarily a Republican, but it does mean that they have good relationships with Republicans, so take that into account!
Accounts that include purchased PC games are not eligible for deletion
Lazarus looks like a Mirror’s Edge adaptation. How many times does that protagonist jump?
The most hilarious thing about Sony following-up a successful console with an overpriced bloated box that focused more on media than the games that made them successful is that Microsoft would make the exact same mistake 7 years later.
It does seem to err on the side of mid-00s gaming, though just dark instead of brown. FF16's art direction has been a bummer since it was first announced — it’s generic fantasy with a grimy veneer. And yet another protagonist with dark hair and dark clothes, complete with a grey chocobo. Where’s the whimsy?
Nothing so sinister. Just tried and true 20th century centrists who think the bygone era they came from still exists. They truly believe they legitimately speak for a majority in the middle that want only marginal changes in policy without meaningful consequences for their day to day lives.
I don’t know why everyone seems to conveniently forget that Xbox had CoD on lock back on the Xbox 360 with the marketing and exclusive content and all that. Activision jumped ship to PlayStation along with millions of Xbox gamers when it was clear Xbox One was going to flop.
I imagine in the short term (read: next 3-5 years), it’d be more profitable for Microsoft to keep it on the PS5 than to make it an Xbox exclusive, so this deal is less of an olive branch than it is a ‘no-duh.’
So Starfield bumps Baldur’s Gate 3 to a month earlier, which in turn bumps Stray Gods a week later.
Tennis is much more physically demanding. The pickleball court is small, so you don’t necessarily need to run, and the ball moves a lot slower, so it’s easier to hit. It’s a more accessible sport.
I was just thinking last when reading an article of yours last week, “Luke’s still here.” But damn, I guess it truly is the end of an era for Kotaku now. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
Yep. Props to Cid for being the most fleshed out character.
Yeah, Midol is a nice, but decidedly minor addition. She’s thankfully got some of her father in her. I think it’s not surprising that Cid is the most popular character in the game — he has the principle and conviction of Clive, but also an actual desire to, like, enjoy life.
Its weird to say the story is “Humorless”. Is it just because there isn’t exaggerated anime humor?
We’re working with incomplete information — we don’t know how much it costs to make the game, and how much it’s now projected to bring in, so we don’t know if it’s a flop or not. It doesn’t help that flop status depends, in part, on how wasteful the development was, rather than solely how much it sold. And even if it…
As the kids say, “based.”
Well, if we want to get technical, Star Wars Galaxies was doing in 2003, despite being a buggy as hell MMO!
For example, you can drag fallen comrades into safer spots before healing them.
A suit tailor can literally remake the same suit, mate. A creative cannot remake the same TV show or movie. There’s a reason you can copyright a movie, but not a suit. They are different mediums, it’s a poor comparison.
So, are you going to ignore his argument