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    To go off your example: imagine that $1,000 computer is incurring residuals and licensing fees on a regular basis, so it’s not just $1,000, but $1,000 plus however much money a week/month for as long as you’re using it. If content is not bringing in commensurate subscribers, then getting $300 back and stopping

    This tactic should be on the table in the writers strike, if it isn’t already. All creative should insist on contracts that protect their works — at the very minimum, prevent them from going into a vault, never to be seen again, all for the sake of a write-off.

    Yep, that works for me. I concede that they came up with the timeline idea prior to Hyrule Historia. Good find, sir, thank you for sharing. I’ll boomark it for future reference.

    Miyamoto back in 2002 (before Wind Waker even came out) literally said that Wind Waker was a hundred years after Ocarina of Time in the Adult timeline

    Double Dash takes place in an altogether different dimension!

    It’s about the natural resting position of your thumb when you grab a controller. The PSX puts the sticks at a more awkward position, which has a tendency to create cramping in that joint for some players since it’s stretching muscles in a way that it normally wouldn’t if it was where the face buttons are.

    Bonkers? The 2 timeline idea was a fandom thing for DECADES.

    Twilight Princess is in no sense a narrative sequel to Ocarina of Time. Y’all confused Easter eggs/fan theories with continuity, and years later, the Hyrule Historia ran with it and retconned accordingly (and so in 2011, the Hero’s Shade is suddenly the Hero of Time, sharing skills that the Hero of Time never even

    Franchise fatigue doesn’t mean good movies will fail too, it just means being part of a franchise isn’t enough by itself. So I’m cautiously optimistic that audiences are becoming a tad bit more discerning. They’ve certainly discerned the DCEU out of contention.

    Recent box office receipts: “There seems to be franchise fatigue.”

    This is just elitism of another sort.

    The number one thing you should never point out to Sony fans is that the placement of the analog sticks is wrong — the d-pad and left analog stick should be swapped.

    Unfortunately, Nintendo has been a little indirect in its messaging about how Breath of the Wild and its sequel slot into the established chronology of Zelda, because according to producer Eiji Aonuma and director Hidemaro Fujibayashi, they take place at the end of the timeline, but which of its branching stories it

    Outer Wilds is no visual novel, it’s the most sophisticated puzzle box in the medium. I know it’s not a game that holds your hand and tells you where to go, that you have to explore on your own initiative to discover its myriad secrets, and so if by happenstance, you don’t find a particularly spectacular discovery in

    The game looks moody and great, but the two (I think) Annapurna games I’ve played were good writing, but zero fun. Actually kind of a drag. Outer Wilds and Kentucky Route Zero

    Instead, I just stopped talking to the whole group. Then after a few weeks it got weird, then weirder. Then I just couldn’t overcome the awkwardness with my limited emotional skill set. Losing their friendship is one of the biggest regrets of my life.

    Annapurna has a stellar track record as a publisher. Here’s hoping they continue that quality with internal development...

    So Zaslav fired salaried employees whose full time job was TCM, and replaced them with multi-millionaires who will help out on the side? Better than nothing, I suppose, but it still sounds like a major loss for TCM, and another headstone in Zaslav’s graveyard. 

    To be clear, there’s no qualitative privilege to being Final Fantasy. FF16 wouldn’t be a worse game if it wasn’t called Final Fantasy. It isn’t a better game because it’s called Final Fantasy. It might, however, be a better selling game because it’s called Final Fantasy. So I think we should just be honest that it’s

    I’m enjoying FF16 alright, but I think the consternation is not over the quality of the game itself, but rather, what does it mean to be a Final Fantasy game? And I find the answer in this article unsatisfactory: it’s not just the story. Or that it has a story, as is the case with FF16. The shift in the mechanics over