So it looks like Myles Jack Wasn’t Down will be A Thing for a very long time. And this Hokie will go to his grave knowing that Danny Coale Caught That Ball.

Being alt-right is the new punk for lots of youngs. It’s edgy, it’s underground, makes the olds mad, isn’t what ‘they’ want you to hear.

Ben, ya gotta start doing some work on yourself. 

How did you end up in the grey?

The best part of the original Pyramid final round was when Dick Clark would come over at the end and show off the clues he came up with for the answer that was stumping everyone.

There are a FEW STYLISTIC TOUCHES missing for that to be Drew.

Tying everything to graduation confers even more power (vastly more) on the entrenched university power structure. Athletes should be paid for their being good and enjoyable athletes, not for appeasing academic administrators. I hate this idea very much.

Also, talking about him so much for so long makes you forget that his last name is literally ‘Poo holes.’

I don’t WANT to be super honest with my co-workers. I want to do the job I’m paid to do, and then go home to be super honest with my family and friends.

Username gets automatic upvote. 

That’s a good point but I think it speaks more to the vagaries of the sport itself than it does the salary structure. NBA and MLB are pretty similar in being soft-capped, that teams can basically go as far over the threshold as they want, but there’s a price to be paid for doing so.

This is a great comment. 

I think it’s ‘shat’ but I’ll defer to the AP style guide. 

“Lamb” (the gospel according to Jesus’ childhood friend Biff) is a hilarious read about those awkward adolescent years of Jesus. And I’m not a Christian but I found it pretty respectful to what I understand Christianity to be about.

Hating In-n-Out has become so fashionable it’s almost underrated again. Definitely worth eating the burger, fries are pretty meh. 

So many people are missing the point of your comment. It’s not about predictability, it’s about meaning, and readily-reversed comic book deaths have lost all meaning.

I remember that reaction to Tosh being much the same as the gist of this current conversation: if you’re going to make a rape joke (or a Holocaust joke, or whatever), it goddamn well better be funny.

That was fucking gold.

Totally this. I don’t know if I’ve ever listened to a Muse album end-to-end but I’ve spent about 15 hours watching them live.

She says very clearly that this is not about losing weight.