The ‘jackpot’ line was the meme-able part of the video, but I was most struck by what an incoherent shithead Terry Collins was.

Celebrities, activists: stay on Twitter. Keep broadasting your truth.

“Yes, it’s the children who are wrong.”

I knew he and Skip were friends, but I didn’t know it was love.


In my head, there is a Venn diagram of “I absolutely have to see this” and “I absolutely can never see this,” and the middle of that Venn diagram is this movie.

Katie, I’m sorry to crash your review thread but can I please get a Kinja follow from the AVC family?

Plus, people good at lighting stuff on fire usually come cheaper than people good at rendering three-dimensional effects on software.

Your pop culture reference game is strong today.

Yeah I once left Funkadelic somewhere during Hour Four, but I think that’s ok.

On a similar note I’ve emailed every NHL team with my ‘sumo goalie’ idea.

I wouldn’t get too hyped, this place can’t hang on to talent.

Yeah, THR, Vulture, and some similar sites are on my shortlist - I can’t get enough. There’s a reason the A.V. Club has carved out the niche it has. It’s deliberately outsidery, but maybe that can translate to a unique perspective on the business of show?

This is a very interesting conversation to me. Thank you both.

Please stop using “illegitimate” to describe a child born outside of marriage.

It’s awful that he was allowed to do this in an office environment, and his co-workers should never have had to tolerate it for any period of time, much less for so long that they developed a nickname based on it.

Brennaman. Heffernan.

I don’t know if you’ll feel good about this or bad....

I once heard Paul Maguire say “Yeah it’s cold, but you just have to adjust your nipples to it” on a satellite feed during a commercial break of a Steelers game.

Every now and then I get a little fed up with my job and think about leaving.