Yeah, the problem here is the system is still hardwired around retroactively rewarding your performance when you finally hit FA, but there are no front offices left that believe that’s a smart way to spend money.

This is a good and important lawsuit.

Which also raises the point that a clock is a terrible choice of metaphor for something that moves back and forth at different and unpredictable rates. Everything about how the Doomsday Clock works is not at all how clocks work.

Yeah, fuck that doomsday clock, and thank you for saying it. The other thing from having that trotted out all the time is it destroys the credibility of anyone who obsesses over it and lowers the bar way, way too far.

Can verify. Used to live across from a small theater in the late 90s and would watch people stream out after The Matrix trying to do spin kicks on each other. It never went well.

Fair. “Well within the bounds of acceptable risk-taking and potential for self-harm that our society tolerates in private behavior” is probably better.

Ooh. I’m thinking a rant about Big Soap trying to monetize the basic human need for cleanliness, then a description of how he procures lards and oils at the farmers market and turns them into bulk artisanal soap in his apartment bathtub.

wait a minute

No...it isn’t.


Girls were never supposed to be invited to all these treehouses that boys built back in the day.

Raping a bad guy in retaliation for him raping someone else doesn’t even the score at Good Guys 1- Bad Guys 1. It makes it Rape 2, Civilization 0.

Oh god, that whole letter from Dickcheese Anusfart* was a special kind of awful. The kind of person who presents as so reasonable and “hey I’m just trying to talk like civilized people here,” then bangs out the most toxic bullshit on their keyboard.

Beliefs contrary to theirs are the only ones that qualify as political. Saying everyone should stand for the flag and venerate the military, and that God made men and women and that’s it...well, that’s not political, that’s just common sense.

I read Mike’s letter three times and I still can’t understand his confusion, much less his anger. Maybe switch to decaf there, buddy.

On schedule!

Let’s quarantine them, Baylor and Penn State into their own shitty little rapey conference.

You do realize this is a pop culture site right?

These brand-confusion cases inevitably hinge on how the judge interprets the landmark Famous Ray v. Famous Original Ray ruling.

I don’t get why people hate on Sean McDonough’s voice cracks, I think they’re delightful.