We really need different-looking words for ‘resign’ as ‘sign again’ and ‘resign’ as ‘step down.’ Otherwise it’s damn near impossible to write about scenarios in which Doc resigns and Blake and Chris don’t resign but maybe Chris resigns and Doc doesn’t resign but neither does Blake....

I imagine that if we find ourselves heading to Venus, it’ll still be farewell. Because maybe we’ll come back to Earth, who can tell?

The Phoenix Suns lost a tank battle to the Nets tonight

Don’t forget Lena Dunham.

Ah shit here come a bunch of grammar nerds. ‘Could care less’ is perfectly fine.

Came for the speaker review, stayed for the marriage advice.

I deserve that.

Word is, this sudden health concern-related retirement resulted from a basic misunderstanding. DeMarcus asked for some career advice from his agent, who begged him to just fearlessly follow his true instincts.

Word. I’m 41 and rocking it backwards right now. No apologies. I just want my hair contained without obscuring the entire top half of my field of vision.

“While much of our content has been focused on contrived confrontation between contentious conmen, this conflict concept no longer conforms and we are content to concede.”

This bit will never not be funny to me.


This is where it’s important to remember that “sprain” means “partial tear.”

“I’m going to shower across the street, make sure my change of clothes are around the corner, and drive—take a different route to the gym.”

Too late to edit...reading above it looks like it is I who is unfamiliar with what it takes to qualify as rape in some places. Jesus Fucking Christ.

From the headline, I honesty wasn’t sure whether to expect an article about what an awful person this Watson is, or an article about how the prosecutor in this case doesn’t actually know what rape is.

Counterpoint: Raclette cheese is fucking good.

The NBA trade market has a very small number of participants making decisions based on nonpublic, non-shared information. I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that it operates at the efficient frontier.

Just jumping in to say that Dunc’d On podcast is really good and people who like the NBA should subscribe to it.

It’s still a better deal for the Kings than that time they traded Boogie to the Celtics. I mean, people in Boston ended up calling that one ‘The Heist.’