That is good and proper. Bowel health should always be prioritized over spectator sports, especially those as shoddily produced as these Olympics.

This is super fucked up.

Diana, yours is the only sports reporting anywhere on the internet that I would call “essential.” You are so fucking good at what you do.

“I’m a heroine addict. I can only sleep with women who have saved someone’s life.”

My overriding hope is that they bought Gawker Media/Deadspin because the operation actually works and they want to make money off it. It’s easy enough to start a clickbait farm from scratch with trained chimps and interns, so hopefully what they want is for Barry and company to keep doing their thing. Only, with some

something Hitler something something tweet something birds.

You went on the record on the right side of history, early and unequivocally.

I watched the video and I read the story but I still don’t get the headline.

“Dr. Scholl’s makes foot products right? And he’s a doctor, which means he went to school for a long time. But it doesn’t take a lot to figure that stepping on a cushion would be more comfortable. That fucker wasted lots of time at school. ‘Cause I would have bought that shit from a Mister Scholl.” - Mitch Hedberg

Like your 128th hour of work in a week (or your 75th for that matter) is going to be worth anything.

“I bought a seven dollar pen because I’m always losing pens and I’m sick of not caring.” - Mitch Hedberg

Onomatopoeia is definitely easier done than said.

Plus, that is most assuredly NOT Sunkist.

Have we had this one yet?

I see Burneko answering questions but does he still write or did you guys put him to work in the cafeteria or something?

Portraying Trump as inextricably tied to modern Republicanism will somehow convince self-identified Republicans that their whole worldview is a lie? And they will head out to vote Dem posthaste, up and down the ballot?


Not right before the 45-loss-spike that seems to be imminent.

“Lonergan, you asshole, is that NEVER TALKING ABOUT IT??”

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