Well, you were right at the very start. You're not a very charitable person.

I worked for an NFL team in the mid-2000s. Ticketing had a players' wives section and a players' girlfriends section, widely separated. So it's pretty sadly routine.

Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

The Orioles trade of Steve Finley, Pete Harnisch, and Curt Schilling for a couple weeks of Glenn Davis certainly worked out well for...oh, I'm sorry, you said "everyone."

Drew, you've inspired me. Instead of buying the boxed set after five more Wire episodes and starting from scratch, I'm downloading Ozymandias and doing this shit in real time.

"That guy" has a name! It's either Lance or Bill. One of them is the blond one, the other one is the other one.

That's an eephus pitch if I've ever heard one.

Looks like Switzerland...?

Nope, gonna defend Kelly here. Without timeouts, SD kicks a 49-yarder to win the game as time expires. With the timeouts, he forced them to run three plays (with the attendant possibilities of fumbles, bad snaps, etc.), kick a 46-yarder, and left himself seven last-ditch seconds. Any NFL coach who would let his

It feels like a little from Column A and a little from Column B. The move to cut Rhodes was a legit cost and cap saver, he didn't want to extend his deal with Arizona. But it is really weird that he hasn't gotten any interest since, despite being a top-10 (at least) player at his position, when pictures of him

Love David Wilson as a human being and as a KR. As a running back, he's the master of running straight up his offensive lineman's ass at 80 miles per hour.

[Invites RJ209 out for a night of partying that "could get pretty crazy"]

My rule of thumb is, anyone who prefers pen is terrible at math.

On the positive side, the South of the Border Institute for Mileage Awareness has reached countless individuals over the years.

Sounds like a free-flowing conversation that occasionally touched on mature subjects.

At first I really liked it. Then clicked the Brooks link, saw what you did there, and went to full-on romantic love for this piece.