Otto Lipschitz

I saw Bowie's very first Ziggy Stardust show of the US tour in '72. All the planets aligned and we happened to be in the same area at the same time.

It's not about the vagaries of office scheduling. It's about laws requiring a 24 hour waiting period between counseling and the procedure. Counseling is not a phone call. It is an appointment. The woman must attend an appointment for counseling in person, then must come back no less than 24 hours later for the

Do it at a stranger's house?

The irony of a giant spacecrab named Zoidberg being kicked out of the same event while being admonished: "No Shellfish!"

Dude, that's the TOOTH FAIRY

Watergate was much more than "stupid." It was just a small bit of Nixon's shady dealings, not a one-off event. I have no idea what you mean by "good...leader," but Nixon did a great deal of damage to this nation, and his legacy (such as the "Southern Strategy" and "Silent Majority") plagues us to this day.

I especially like it when people attribute every monumental achievement of the past to aliens, as if early civilizations didn't have agricultural surpluses and ample "free" time.

I'd start with so-called cavemen... there's this ongoing assumption that (with a few notable exceptions) every person who ever lived before the advent of the printing press was mentally deficient compared to 'modern' people.

You're wrong.

You're an asshat:

You couldn't give me positive policies of either Bush or Reagan, nor negative policies of Carter or Obama.

Even when Obama wins, like with the unemployment rate, increased insurance rate, Russia flailing, ending wars, reduced terrorism, doubling of the stock market, lower increases in insurance

all this means is that a small percentage of their land based ICBMs are now a bit harder to hit in the first go around of a nuclear exchange. nothing more than that.

That's reagan era right wing propaganda. Defense spending was not the cause of the fall of the USSR.

We've had sub launched nukes since before most of us were born, how is this any more terrifying than that?

For me the concern isn't that there will be an official Russian launch of one of these at any point, but rather that some two bit terrorist organization will use a $50 rocket launcher from a black market in any of the many conflict zones around the globe where combating nations pull out and leave literally tons of

There's a slim chance they might have thought of that. Long shot but maybe their strategic planners are as smart as commentors here...

Well actually...

I am a modern model of population differential.

Some of these women may be asexual too, so it's GENUINELY not an issue for them. I don't doubt that some, maybe even many, of the women who claim to not care that they never get off are exaggerating how little they care, but to discount all the tales outright seems foolish...

Okay...I never put two separate comment threads on an article, but I have to this time.

I don't orgasm as often as my husband because I can't come when stressed - meaning that often, sex on week nights is a non starter for me because I have a stressful job. I still enjoy it, I just can't come. So we do it in the morning or afternoons on weekends. If I go a couple of weeks without coming, I am super vocal