Otto Lipschitz

I fucking hope they don’t do anything of the sort. We lost because of stupid people on our side. Next time if they vote smarter, we’ll win.

“Do you honestly think Hillary is going to appoint progressive candidate for Supreme Court?!”

Thanks for being a voice of reason and fighting off these fucking morons. Chin up, friend. Most people agree with you and I believe the vast majority of Americans are good souls and they won’t let Trump ruin the progress your nation has made.

What emails? Oh, you mean the ones that the republicans looked at 9 times and cleared her on every single time?

She was for equal rights, green energy, support the middle class and didn’t lean so far left to shut out big business. Yea she’s a terrible candidate. And let’s not forget there are open seats on the Supreme Court. Good job.

Gizmodo has always been a Science and Technology site, politics interacts with those two things and has a great deal of influence to the outcome and direction of both of these.

Dubya was reelected. Never underestimate the power of stupid people to vote against their own interests.

Your right. People should stop caring about things.

Just a friendly reminder to all the progressives who couldn’t find it in their heart to vote for Hillary...fuck you.

As Trump would say, “Wrong!”

I realize that gender specifity is not cool, but I did not give Anne Hathaway permission to act in my biography

That the world is getting dumber is a common myth propagated by each successive generation, i.e. the “back in my day” fallacy. The average IQ scores have actually been ticking up with each new generation.

But is there evidence the world is actually getting dumber? People say that shit all the time, but I’m pretty certain there were a lot more dumb shits in the 1800's and 1st half of the 1900's at least.

I think people have to stop expecting celebrities to be down to earth, and stop asking that question in interviews. I mean, would you be down to earth if you had millions of millions of dollars and the kind of access that being a Hollywood star gives you? I know I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t be an asshole about it either but

And the proof that these were kickbacks are.......?

They asked your mom. HAHAHAHHA.

I want to explode every single skull of every single man-baby in the world. Cast Kate McKinnon as the Joker.

Also, I hate to be that guy, but why is this a jalopnik thing?

Girls exist. They just don’t exist on the internet. Any girls you meet on the internet are dudes. And any 13-year old girls are FBI agents.

If this is a bit then I love you. This has made me laugh so hard.

(Think hard about what that sentence means)