Otto Lipschitz

I think people have to stop expecting celebrities to be down to earth, and stop asking that question in interviews. I mean, would you be down to earth if you had millions of millions of dollars and the kind of access that being a Hollywood star gives you? I know I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t be an asshole about it either but

Also, I hate to be that guy, but why is this a jalopnik thing?

Girls exist. They just don’t exist on the internet. Any girls you meet on the internet are dudes. And any 13-year old girls are FBI agents.

Hello! To clarify: I was not being snarky—quite the opposite.

I’m excited, I don’t care what the haters say. I never thought in my life time I’d 1) see a black president 2) hopefully see a woman president. I’m stoked because that woman had to be made of motherfucking steal to deal with all the bullshit she’s had to deal with, and whether you call her shillary or Hillary she’s

I also wanted to add that, to me, the assignment of Huckleberry Finn to children is wildly inappropriate. Because its a great novel, for adults. But the themes are not ones that are accessible to children. It’s a novel about moral relativism, judicial relativism and religious extremism and clan violence. It’s really

That’s a book where you’ve got to give a lot of explicit explanation. Especially for younger children. You’ll have kids who’ve been called that word. You’ll have people who’ve never heard it. And you’ll have people whose parents use it. All in one classroom.

I find that trigger warnings, or as you call them, content warnings, are incredibly degree-specific in their abundance. For example: in film studies classes, where especially graphic scenes are rare in our class’s required viewing, are made every time it is appropriate. On the other hand, in art history classes, there

Classic Gordon Gecko/Bud Fox situation, right down to that infamous last meeting where Lebron wore a wire to their tense final meal together at Tavern on the Green. The one where he got Riley to admit, “I’m afraid of people and I’ve never liked anyone. I also don’t really like basketball. There were only three things

To everyone complaining about this being Lebron’s “secret motivation”—have you not met people? Especially athletes? How many athletes talk about bulletin board fodder or say that no one believed in them or claim they wanted to prove the haters wrong? Athletes everywhere constantly use small things to motivate

“But even so, it was jarring to see Irving playing his guts out while Curry looked like he was auditioning to star in a Justin Bieber Vine.”

Stop it, this isn’t what millions of people heard in yoga class and it’s not the image they’ve non-chalantly made up for an entire religion without bothering to read about it all while othering it into a kind “idealized stuck a perfect past” pigeon hole.

Really needs more stars. We really don’t have a good working understanding of Buddhism or Tibetan Buddhism. Often on Buddhist meditation retreats, one is given the opportunity to engage in the five precepts. These are recited daily and are the same as monastic vows: refraining from killing, stealing, sexual relations,

Your reasoned explanation really gets in the way of my feeling more pious than the Dalai Lama, and I am therefore outraged.


*You can’t just turn any sentence into an acronym and expect people to know what you’re talking about


He also really really loves telling bad jokes. He really missed out on his calling as a father. ;)

Also, as someone who teaches World Religions and has seen a number of his charming and rambling interviews, the guy’s English is not that great so perhaps he didn’t get the point across as he wished.

I think there’s some real confusion going on in this article and, then not shockingly, in the comments below. In Tibetan Buddhism, any sex that’s not straight up generic sex meant for creating a new life is considered misconduct. That’s for everyone, and it’s rooted in many things, not the least of which is the idea