Otto Lipschitz

Maybe she should have run them through her head first

Are these all the things she said?

Isn't this exactly what someone who wanted continued success in a regressive, anti-gay society would have to say publically? I'm not defending her. I'm just considering the consequences of publically supporting homosexuality in Putin's Russia.

"Mother Dearest" is probably the creepiest name for a giant male convict I have ever heard. I shudder to think what may have earned him that name...

Just add a Worchestershire sauce, lemon juice (and a dash of tabasco if you're feelin' frisky) to the ketchup and horseradish and it IS cocktail sauce.

I just tell them to imagine a deck of cards - that's 3 oz. 6oz is two decks, 9oz is three.

My ex used to work in a English-style pub. One guys comes in and orders the Welsh rarebit from him. There's a description of it in the menu. He gets his food. A couple of minutes later, he calls my ex over and complains "I see a lot of bread, and I see a lot of cheese, but I'm not seeing so much of the rarebit."

I worked in a restaurant where we had a very limited wine list. Something like 5 different bottles. We had a customer order the zinfandel-it was a classic red zinfandel that's the dark robust red. Knowing a lot of people don't know this I explained it was a red zinfandel and would that be okay? To which I was

I once had a woman order steak tartar, well-done. I explained that the dish was extremely high end beef, hand minced, served her horror, and her husband's great confusion. Just to be a dick I said, Think of it as cow sushi. They were not amused.

We have a lady who always asks for us to leave the chick peas off of her salad to which we reply we do not not have we ever put chick peas on our salads. Once you bring the salad out she will huff and puff and hold up the peppercini and exclaim she didn't want any chick peas. She's been told many times that it is not

He must be from New Orleans. Here if you get your burger dressed, it means it comes with lettuce pickles onion tomato on it.

when I was a little kid I ordered the shrimp boat while out with my parents. I was so excited. A shrimp boat all to myself. I had plans with that boat. It would sail across the seas in that boat. Imagine my disappointment when it was just a lot of shrimp. Of course I was like 7 at the time.

You know how you think stuff just because you think it?

What's often left out when police departments talk about the deals on these MRAP's, is their horrendous maintenance and upkeep costs. You can easily spend more than the fleet purchase price on a Charger/Taurus/Impala just to keep an MRAP on the road. They're a white elephant disguised as a "free MRAP".

The Cardinals fandom is all of Arizona and nothing more. It is the most geographically pleasing fandom.

I'm one of those table gaming weirdos!
And I have not now nor have I ever had need of something called a "Rape Room".
I have a lovely "Murder Shed" though. I'm quite proud of it. Built it myself.
But that's completely different!

It's all about the context.

I think the issue isn't really about whether you can or cannot make rape jokes. No matter what you're joking about, if someone in your workplace is offended, you should stop. And no one should be fired for saying "hey, this one thing really bothers me."

Yes, I'm disgusting for personally helping these exact victims you claim to care about, and having a coping mechanism for dealing with it.

YOU don't get to say what is an acceptable joking matter.