Otto Lipschitz
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It was Sports Science before they were bought by espn. He starts throwing around the 4:00 mark.

I used to be an "on fire for god, evangelical Christian." The problem was I was also a voracious reader. And read the entire Bible (several times), with the same critical eye I would use when reading anything. That is what made me a non-theist. The Bible.

I read this when it was first published and it left a powerful impact on how I see humanity and evolution to this day. Jaynes included in the book images from ancient shrines showing the evolution from an "external" god that early men believed was "speaking" to them (actually an echo of their inner dialog with

Example- Apple has almost 200 billion dollars. That is $200,000,000,000. What good have they done with that money for society I ask you? I say without people, money and their company means nothing. So how does it make sense not to give back to the people and ensure we are all prosperous. What towns or cities have they

wasn't there a bottleneck about 75k years ago, when the Tova supervolcano erupted? I seem to remember reading that the world's human population dropped to something like 15k people.

Mark, you forgot this one of Robert DeNiro and Gerard Depardieu getting a handjob together.


Pride goeth...before the fall...

I totally prefer the US ending to The Descent. The depressing coda revealing she was still in the cave is unnecessary and another one of those annoying "the escape was just a dream" tropes. (The only movie I'll let get away with that is Brazil.) The US ending closes the movie on a good scare. Besides, it's worse to

I Am Legend is so great up until Smith's character meets the other survivors. Ugh.

The theatrical ending of 28 Days Later, however, does have the main characters saved by the Finns.

I've.... seen things, you people wouldn't believe.


This isn't anything new for Catholicism. I was talking to my mother the other day about older teachings. In fact, she's the one that emailed me a link to an article about what the Pope said.

Not only are fewer people dying in war, fewer are dying for stupid reasons in general. Here's what the absolute number of deaths looks like for the US:

I live in Moscow. Overall picture and colors are tuned up to hell. Nothing to do with the real Moscow.

I'm fine with change if it's necessary. I don't see this as a needed change. What's wrong with gmail as it is now? If it ain't broke, don't fix it.