Otto Lipschitz

The only solution I have thought of is just throwing all of it away. But that's just temporary and I plan on living here for another couple years before moving again.

There were several different variants (that didn't appear on the show, iirc.) There was also a Cylon Raider that had two missiles, but I guess that it wasn't shaped the same. In a similar vein, the original Boba Fett action figure had one of these missile launchers in his jet pack, that was quickly taken out of

I'm not going to go there. The difference between a real knife and a toy is night and day.

I was apparently living in a world where I forgot George Carlin was dead and now Im back in the real world and now Im sad.

You might want to look into precisely what Cleopatra's political situation was...

It is nice to see more countries taking part in Mars planetary research, I hope to see a lot of data come out in the next couple years and hopefully another country add to the growing list probes gathering data.

Oriental is ok for stuff. Just not for people. If a rug can be Oriental, so can a salad.

"Oriental" is generally considered fine to use with inanimate objects—like a salad or a rug. It's not used (in the U.S.) to describe people. So, this usage is not problematic.

Now playing

Oh! The KING of that is Will Smith. He CANNOT dance. I remember watching Wild Wild West and how he put his partner in front of him so no one could see it!

This scares me about theoretically being a parent. I mean, I'm cool with my kids being obsessed with something that's actually good, but what if they get obsessed with something like Frozen?

I wonder if part of the issue for you, too, is the bizarre, paranoid games that the BBC and its competitors play with scheduling. Weird enough that timeslots change on a week-by-week basis, but most curious is the way that said timeslots are treated like state secrets, only to be revealed at the last minute.

Maybe she should have run them through her head first

Are these all the things she said?

Isn't this exactly what someone who wanted continued success in a regressive, anti-gay society would have to say publically? I'm not defending her. I'm just considering the consequences of publically supporting homosexuality in Putin's Russia.

This is the same group that estimated there would be 500 million people living in Nigeria by ~2040, if I recall correctly. That was an absurd number then, and it looks like they've doubled down on it by extrapolating it to the rest of Africa.

I already have a Nigerian prince doing my banking.

Just add a Worchestershire sauce, lemon juice (and a dash of tabasco if you're feelin' frisky) to the ketchup and horseradish and it IS cocktail sauce.

My ex used to work in a English-style pub. One guys comes in and orders the Welsh rarebit from him. There's a description of it in the menu. He gets his food. A couple of minutes later, he calls my ex over and complains "I see a lot of bread, and I see a lot of cheese, but I'm not seeing so much of the rarebit."

I worked in a restaurant where we had a very limited wine list. Something like 5 different bottles. We had a customer order the zinfandel-it was a classic red zinfandel that's the dark robust red. Knowing a lot of people don't know this I explained it was a red zinfandel and would that be okay? To which I was

I once had a woman order steak tartar, well-done. I explained that the dish was extremely high end beef, hand minced, served her horror, and her husband's great confusion. Just to be a dick I said, Think of it as cow sushi. They were not amused.