Otto Lipschitz

even better than Connections is "The Day the Universe Changed" I've probably watched through it 3 times at least now.

No shit? I just came here to say JAMES BURKE'S CONNECTIONS RULES ALL! But you beat me to it.

Or James Burke's Connections series, at least the original one. Still quality material.

There's actually good evidence that the pyramids were built by well-respected paid laborers, not slaves.

I was there. It was much funnier in person. :) Rooker pretty much stole the panel with his hilarity and irreverence, with Bautista more soft-spoken. One questioner asked Rooker who was the best dancer of the GotG cast. Rooker said, arms thrown wide, "DUH." Somebody also asked him how it was for him to work with Groot.

Not trying to be obtuse here, but maybe she thinks it would be discomfiting because they love her husband and are concerned that this revelation and its implications could affect their marriage?

eLepHANt-likE tyPINg deteCTED

I reach the opposite conclusion: Educate the people inclined to be educated, and ignore those that have rocks in their heads.

"In fact, the fingerprint powder was found to contain up to 7 percent asbestos, the variety of which has been proven to be capable of causing lung cancer later in life from only a single exposure."

without lawn darts this list is incomplete


I actually bought a set of knee defenders when they first came out (they didn't look like the ones in the picture) but I never used them and lost track of them years ago.

Honestly, as close as those seats are together they shouldn't be allowed to recline anyway.

You don't recline on flights unless they are overnight. Who doesn't know this?

It actually gets worse with more information (e.g. see "director's cut").

Ironically, I liked Donnie Darko until it was explained to me. By the director's commentary on the director's cut. Fucking aliens.

I worked at Denny's one Christmas break and there was a chef there that had just gotten out of prison that scared the shit out of everyone including the Marine I was dating at the time. He was nice to me in this kind of quiet, terrifying way, and would give me presents, like little necklaces with horse charms on them,

I love how often it seems like chefs are the last people who should be given open access to a large and diverse selection of knives.

Ya, I was going to type the exact same thing. Didn't think she sounded bad at all. Not studio quality (duh), but for running around on stage and singing at the same time I thought it was fine.

1,350 is the death count in Guinea, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, as well as Liberia. Mine was just Liberia which I got from a news report five hours ago.