Otto Lipschitz

yep. My cousin got his last DUI (that took away his license and cars plates) that way. He knew he shouldn't drive so he was sitting in the drivers seat with the car off, but keys in the ignition and was asleep. BAM! DUI. Keys in ignition, sitting in drivers seat, car was off.

They get inside your head, man!

Ah, perspective. Gracias!

I know he got an Oscar nod for Leaving Las Vegas, but I always think Raising Arizona is his very best role.

If there was a dedicated politics channel on Kinja, every right-wing dingbat would be all over it and it would be just like CNN. This way they never come trolling, since they have absolutely no interest in the future, womens's issues, etc.

It falls under history and military tactics. So anyone who writes or reads fantasy or science fiction based on either subject would find this interesting.

a game (per definition) always has to have a goal/end, if you don´t believe me read it up, i didn´t come up with that definition so it is perfectly legit to ask what the goal of a game is, you are just a little bit narrow minded my friend ;)
don´t get me wrong, an open end game is not automatically not a game, but it

Wow, fella, that's a mighty strong conclusion from a mighty stupid experiment.

Presumably politics you disagree with, or you wouldn't have brought it up.

It's also history, psychology, and military science.

For many people, the very word "game" has the implication that a definitive goal or objective is involved. It's perfectly possible for someone to be creative/innovative in other aspects of life, but still expect a "goal" when you play a game. Hell, I sometimes like games with a definite goal. It can be relaxing

The Coen brothers movie Raising Arizona. I recommend it.

Are these the two men?

What I immediately pictured....

Why are you acting like this is some big mystery? Cayden's Mom got called to work unexpectedly and forgot to tell Decker they were out of diapers. Decker had plans for target practice early the next morning, but no biggie. Baby gets the shits from Decker stupidly sharing his green chile stew. By this time, the

Cool. Thanks, girl.

Uhh. I hadn't noticed it was a Luc Besson movie. Now I might brave the tepid reviews.