Otto Lipschitz

You lose credibly for arguing that the guy was actually threatening to anally rape her. It's certainly true that he shouldn't be making a rape joke (in this case a prepare your anus joke) but nobody seriously believed that to be a rape threat.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at that lovely ass."

oh damn ... this scares me. while i have no issue with cashing in on a story and/or further developing it ... but in this case - there are so many things that can go terribly wrong that maybe it's not worth the risk. maybe this is one story that should not be further exploited ...

it seems to me he's taking a massive

I don't want to sound rude with this, but I think for many of them it's because they don't know what the word means.

I think Atheism means something very different in America than in the UK. Generally, Americans are far more show-and-tell about their religion, which I still can't get used to, tbh. I think it's because there is no state religion, so maybe there's a sense that just getting on with it isn't enough? Atheism/Agnosticism

Yeah, I force people to answer questions by leading them on. They're not responsible for what they say.

No, not money and no help. She is just super disciplined in all aspects of life. She has always had a ridiculous body. She also works full-time and is in school, and has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout. And she's like Martha Stewart, Jr. when it comes to birthday parties and school projects. I hate her lol.

I'm a mainline Protestant and I agree with this. Of course I don't care what anyone else believes as long as they act like a good person. I would rank many atheists I know over evangelicals.

Well, all I did was ask questions, I don't think that's smug. And then I answered a questions somebody asked me, I don't think that's smug either.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Or something.

Well, usually when I ask agnostics why they call themselves agnostics, it comes down to the fact that they're afraid of the word "atheist." They recognize the fact that there is no evidence for the supernatural, which is what atheism is, but they're afraid of criticism. So when I ask, do you really NOT KNOW if there's

We atheists rank low because we see through a lot of the bullshit the mainstream religions try to shove down our throats.

"Then things really start to go downhill. As we know, Americans haven't quite warmed up to Atheists quite yet, but I didn't expect the absence of a belief in God to really fall so low as 41. So it's not surprising, but all in all really unfortunate that the only thing more coldly received than not believing in god is

Kluwe may be on the right side of the issue but man does he get on my nerves. He's vulgar, self righteous and totally unsympathetic.

Kluwe (to my knowledge) isn't gay, so he can't be making a hostile work environment claim based on sexual orientation (you typically need to be part of the protected class).

*sssss* Now that's a hot take!

I think he's suing just to air the Vikings dirty laundry in a public forum. So I'll be entertained to no end.

Right now he seems more focused on crushing the Minnesota Vikings. Which oughtta be fun to watch.

As time goes on... I'm wondering if there's a team in sports that doesn't have this type of stuff go on. Besides the St. Louis Cardinals of course.