Have you missed all the neo-nazi marches in the news? Or the fact that the GOP’s candidate for the House in Illinois is an avowed Nazi? The NSDAP didn’t start by building concentration camps, don’t be a doofus.
Have you missed all the neo-nazi marches in the news? Or the fact that the GOP’s candidate for the House in Illinois is an avowed Nazi? The NSDAP didn’t start by building concentration camps, don’t be a doofus.
14 months old.
Hey I thought we were supposed to be civil?
People are supposed to feel shame when what they are doing is shameful.
Putting aside the suggestion that any person can reasonably claim to be surprised by Trump’s policies - If my employer were a womanizing grifter whose departmental changes involved the sorts of things that the Trump presidency is doing, I would find another job. Because that’s what any person with the slightest…
Wasn’t “Fuck your feelings” Trump’s campaign slogan?
I hope Sanders never feels comfortable in public again.
Just commenting to provide an example of the President’s attitude toward brutal totalitarianism.
Donald Trump has literally said that he wants the American people to treat him the way the North Korean people treat Kim Jong Un.
For what sorts of sex crimes do you think 2 years of imprisonment is appropriate punishment?
Of course there is. Two years though? Nah.
The Catholic church doesn’t excommunicate people for being moral monsters.
I mean it sounds like you’re saying that you don’t think taking non-consensual pictures of women under their clothes warrants 2 years of jail time, but maybe I’m wrong.
Two years that are pretty fucking easy to avoid.
Look at all the things we can do when we don’t bother to pay for an effective social safety net! So cool!
Why should people participating in illegal trade be granted protections and rights?
It’s a video game, not a history textbook.
“Maybe we need to look at limiting the entrances and exits into our schools.” Then he went all-in with this very bad solution, which is also a serious fire hazard: “Had there been one single entrance possibly for every student, maybe he would have been stopped.”
How can Jarvanka just STAND THERE AND SMILE?! Do they just have a running singsong going in their heads going, “Except meee~~~~and the kids~~”
Guys Kratos has always been a goof.