Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

Do you think it’s better to start caring if the President is guilty of committing sexual assault, or better to stop caring?

Yeah that was it

Remember back when Republican politicians “cared” about the President’s sexual predations? I wonder what happened to all that indignation.

Interesting, because of all the religious people I know, the ones who are the best people are the ones who apply the lessons of their religion to their lives the least.

No, it isn’t. One of those things is essential to liberty, and the other is a bunch of fucking nonsense.

I hate you a little bit.

The emotion I feel most when I consider the figure of H.P. Lovecraft is pity. He was a man so terrified of anything that wasn’t the comfortably anglo-saxon quiet of Rhode Island that he found it intolerable to live anywhere else.

I like his writing though.

“she would have credited the antibiotics–the emblematic sacrament of the patriarchy”

It’s also a solvent used in countless industrial processes. It is such an effective solvent that it is actually referred to actually the universal solvent.

It’s easy to be rich in manpower when you have no regard for the well being of your people. Not so much with matériel.

Ephebophile, n: a pedophile with a thesaurus

Technically flowers are the reproductive structures of angiosperms. So...it’s like having a bouquet of plant genitalia on your counter. Fun facts!

He’s a flat earther. No altitude is high enough for him to know he’s wrong.

You are too confused, and I don’t have the time to explain it to you.

Huh... funny, because the DOJ says that that the rate of ALL VIOLENT CRIMES (including sexual assault and rape) for people over 12 years old is 18.6 out of 1,000, meaning 0.186%.

According to RAINN (which would obvious have the most generous statistics, I won’t even go into the DOJ which will really make you look wrong), 1.6 people out of 1,000 are victims of sexual assault. Want me to repeat that? 1.6 people out of 1,000. That means 0.16% of people are victims of sexual assault per year. In

I don’t know a single person that has been raped or molested and statistically, most don’t. This isn’t a common occurrence.

No no. Nope. No thank you.

Oh, no no. There’s no need to refute your silly hypothetical scenarios.

I’m amazed by all of you guys posting here as though you are from another planet and trying really hard to understand human society but not quite getting it. What’s it like, bumbling through each day so obviously perplexed?