Hey do you write these posts with a dick in your mouth? It’s just a joke bro.
Hey do you write these posts with a dick in your mouth? It’s just a joke bro.
The source is RAINN.org, which gets their information primarily from the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics. You should take the time to educate yourself before you continue to embarrass yourself here.
No, you don’t have one female friend who has confided in you that they have been raped, harassed, or molested. Judging by your posts here, this is not surprising.
It’s sad that you think this is an issue of men against women. It says something about you.
I ask more to highlight the fact that I don’t need to ask you if you know any women who’ve been sexually harassed, assaulted, or raped, because unless you don’t know any women, it is almost statistically impossible for you not to.
It’s pertinent because you’re expecting people to believe that a game developer is naive enough to innocently question whether journalists get stories by fucking their informants just like it happens on the teevee. Which is, of course, patently absurd.
When you order a pizza, and the delivery driver shows up, do you say “Hey I’ve seen some movies that start like this, how about you come inside and fuck my wife?”
If not, why not?
something like 97 percent of accusers recant when faced with a lie-detector test (DOJ)
Have you ever actually known someone who was wrongfully accused? I don’t mean someone who you don’t think could have sexually harassed someone, I mean someone who you know, for a fact, was wrongfully accused.
If you can’t figure out whether the question “did you fuck all your sources” is inappropriate, it says a lot about you. It doesn’t say anything about the question.
One fun context clue to figure out if this question wasn’t appropriate is that the woman who was asked the question is saying that it wasn’t appropriate.
Do you have as much difficulty figuring out when it’s appropriate to be naked? Or to urinate? To get drunk?
Also, witch hunts pretty much tend to target women, not men.
“I don’t want my children to be harmed by scary words, but I will beat the shit out of them like the bible says they deserve. Because love, or Jesus or whatever.”
I thought my joke was fairly obvious, but apparently not.
Apophenia is “the tendency to attribute meaning to perceived connections or patterns between seemingly unrelated things.”
Human beings are very good at attributing agency to phenomena that don’t actually require a conscious agent causing them, such as mistaking wind rustling in the grass for a dangerous predator,…
Sounds like this guy hates his potential audience a lot more than he hates women.
He sure fucking hates women, though.
“I didn’t read what you wrote but I disagree with it.”