Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

My helm of cynicism is proof against them.

That doesn’t really read like a criticism, more like an admission that Ayn Rand wasn’t ruthless enough for your tastes. Thucydides did it first.

That’s why I give them money.

You should read more, IMHO.

The only issue is the CoS needs to evolve past the “Satan” aspect, just drop that theme and let go of the baggage that comes with “devils”.

The Church of Satan is essentially an Objectivist club for heavy metal fans, yes.

But God, Jesus made men, men. He made women, women, you know? And you’ve got to live the way God wants you to live.

7.62mm Nato round, which were developed for their ability to mortally wound, rather than outright kill

IMO Tucker Carlson’s parents got really close to a perfect name for him, but missed out by a single letter. Sad.

“Guys you don’t understand; back in my day we didn’t know that women were people.”

Paradise Lost was published in 1667, you’re a few years late on that one.

“Love” is not a common or usual name of an ingredient, and is considered to be intervening material

New York City pigeons would probably just make a rude wing gesture—flip the bird?

Pat Robertson has always been infuriating, it’s true. I always thought it said a lot about people like him when they insist that no one will be moral without the threat of eternal fire.

Thoughts and prayers don’t make one fucking bit of difference

“your thoughts and your prayers are insufficient.”

Fucking right.

Oh we aren’t debating. You don’t have anything of value to add here.

You should, it seems like his loyalties are to a foreign country.

I’m sure your terror at the thought of Americans who are different from you makes it seem like we’re all conspiring to make the country a worse place, but I assure you that you are just a piece of shit.

You seem confused, snowflake. I’m not the one calling for people to take accountability for their “brethren”. That was you.