Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

Isn’t at-will employment great, alt-right guys?

Fun fact: human beings are not wolves, and the social dynamic you’re so fond of fantasizing about isn’t even true for wolves.

Your hurt feelings are not a sign of the strength of your self respect. They are a sign of its weakness.

How much of your identity is built on the fact that you’re a straight white male? Why is this so threatening to you?

Fuuuuck you. Practically every declaration of secession from the seceding states directly references slavery as their justification. Alexander Stephens wasn’t made the confederate vice president by accident. He did not mis-speak when he said that the cornerstone of the confederacy rests on “the great truth that the

No one is protesting the destruction of a library or the erasure of historical records. Until you can tell the difference between the acknowledgement of history and the veneration of it, you should keep your mouth shut.

Honestly my sincere hope is that I would spontaneously combust and burn to death if I ever entered the AirBnB where Trump was likely conceived.


Workers are only lionized to the degree that they exemplify the myth of the self-made man (specifically man). Never mind the fact that no man has ever been self-made; any worker who admits that they are not the sole masters of their destinies, whether by seeking to engage in collective bargaining or by not properly

This is America, where pro-labor = Communist.

You should read A Canticle for Leibowitz.

We are the centuries.
We are the chin-choppers and the golly-woppers, and soon we shall discuss the amputation of your head.
We are your singing garbage men, Sir and Madam, and we march in cadence behind you, chanting rhymes that some think odd.
Hut two threep foa!

I was going to comment on the actual story but then as someone who absolutely adores The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock, I got all upset and forgot what I was going to say.

In conclusion; sad face.

Came here to read about a new sex trend. Left reading about a roller coaster.

Get off my lawn you damned kids!

They should call it La Liberté éclairant le monde - except for the United States

I can independently verify that Faustian is one of the best words.

I’m sure he already knows. He has all the best words, after all.

Sometimes it makes me sad, how often the world brings that specific stanza to my mind.