Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

Beside this thoroughfare
The sale of half-hose has
Long since superseded the cultivation
Of Pierian roses.

Sky Lemyng

I can’t take credit for it but I don’t remember where I first heard it.

Because they think that once all the Jews are back in Israel, Jesus will return to destroy the world and take them to heaven.

Not kidding.

Evangelicals support Israel the way the rope supports a hanged man.

“Religious freedom” is a conservative code phrase for Christian supremacy.

Okay, you’ve earned these

Yeah, it is doubtful that animals experience angst or despair the way that humans do. But I think that suffering in the sense of physical agony is ubiquitous in nature, particularly in the jungle, where there are, for example, an entire array of species of parasitic fungi specialized in infecting and deranging

He’s definitely pouring it on a bit thick, but to be a little fair to him, jungles are pretty competitive places. We don’t like to think about how much wild animals suffer but it is a lot.

Are you kidding? I SO want to have him over for a drink.

Right!? It’s pure gold.

Now playing

This article reminds me of one of my favorite clips ever on the internet, which is of Werner Herzog describing the jungle:

Despite the veil of false naivete, your opinions are showing.

After that, it is unknown to BCA agents what exactly happened, but the female became deceased in the alley

Satan does not deserve this sort of comparison.

I’m no spring chicken but is THAT what Kid Rock looks like these days?

Strange, that.

There are a lot of humans here rightfully condemning this church. God remains silent.

God is great.

I mean he did once refer to a 12 year old girl by saying “maybe in 10 years I’ll be dating her.”

I am a heterosexual man but David Attenborough could get it.