How can our eyes be real if mirrors aren’t real?
How can our eyes be real if mirrors aren’t real?
Right? If I’m not trapped in a miserable hell of capsaicin-induced hiccups, what’s the point?
Please outline the difference.
You don’t have to pretend that religion and culture are magically unrelated to each other. Every religion that has ever existed has been solely a product of culture, and every religion that has ever existed has subsequently influenced the cultures it came into contact with, to one degree or another. I do not…
Maybe I’m just a bitter, mean-spirited person, but I cannot fucking stand these books.
Was she wearing a hoodie?
33/frightening/my own personal hell
Trump White House: The best at the Cyber.
His name is Danny Sexbang.
I might have been an anti-social teenager.
I used my social-studies group report on Brazilian culture to force my class to listen to Sepultura. I was the only person who enjoyed it.
Well, now I do.
“Trump and Russia were just trying to save us from Warmonger Hillary and her war with Russia!!!”
Really glad I’ve never found myself in a situation where I had to hedge my count of nearby venomous animals with the phrase “at least”.
Considering that God never speaks for Himself, but relies on humans to speak for Him, trusting in God is absolutely an issue.
Please tell me you are roleplaying or something
I was trying to be charitable.
Well the important thing is that what you’ve taken away from this news story about a Christian using the extermination of European Jews to prop up his proposal for a new genocide is that Christians are being unfairly persecuted.
It’s no different than the antisemites who for centuries accused the Jews of using blood, especially infant blood, in their rites.