Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

It’s in pretty poor taste to reference an Anti-Semitic fabrication written by an Orthodox Christian religious leader and used as a justification for brutal anti-Jewish pogroms (carried out by other Orthodox Christians) in a defense of Christianity.

Especially considering that describing Christianity as a religion of

“If you’re going to have ladies’ night at a bar, why not just charge men more for everything all the time everywhere?”

This is all true, but the National Socialists also elected to maintain that tradition.

Sort of like how Christianity kept anti-semitism alive and well for many centuries before the rise of Adolf Hitler.

If we lived in a society in which Christians did not pretend that Christianity made them into better people, I’d happily stop pointing out how incorrect they are.

I am as ashamed of Stalin’s mass murders as I am of Hitler’s. But that has nothing to do with my atheism - sharing an absence of belief with someone is the

Ia! Ia!

It is a blood sacrifice cult that proposes that only a single blood sacrifice is sufficient.

I think maybe you and I have a different impression of Christianity.

All this does, is tell the men who don’t rape or commit sexual assault, that they are perceived to be sexual predators anyway.

You’re right. One musical festival = complete societal segregation.

Glad we can refrain from absurd hyperbole.

Catholics are Christians. But anyone who believes that the murder of Jesus Christ was necessary for their own redemption has a fetish for shame.

The free world... all of Christendom... is at war with Islamic horror.



The writing in the game was awful. The writing was so terrible that an NPC essentially admits to you that the writers couldn’t think of a good reason for representing viability with a points system. The game is specifically set in an entirely new galaxy so that it can be billed as an ME universe story unconnected to

The GOP: Trying to resurrect the misinterpreted corpse of Thomas Hobbes since 1960

I don’t think it’s real. I think I made it up.

It’s strange to bring up the subject of rights in this context. No person has any rights pertaining to being humored by pet owners or the pets they own. Even if I were to cede all considerations for the pet’s well being, and consider them as nothing more than property. Do you often find yourself compelled to rub your

Don’t worry, the meteor will save us all, someday.

omg everyone is Amazon shaming me

Libraries?! What are you, some kind of communist?