Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

That’s true, but a paperback copy of 1984 is like $10.

I recommend The Repairer of Reputations.

TBH, True Detective really only borrowed names from Robert Chambers - and a lot of what people associate with the King in Yellow was added by later authors, particularly August Derleth.

Is it flaunting literary privilege to say that anyone going into a production of 1984 without some idea of what they’re going to see deserves what they get?

Along the shore the cloud waves break,
The twin suns sink behind the lake,
The shadows lengthen
In Carcosa.

Chill out, snowflake.

You are proof that we need better statistics education in schools.

I mean, Northern Ireland wants a word.

I’m willing to bet that I’m older than you are, but sound fucking ancient, grandpa.

“God gave us dominion over life, which is why my constituents and I oppose environmental conservation at every opportunity.”

No those toes. No.

America: Where openly displaying a firearm causes less panic than openly displaying breasts.

I’m betting that after Trump’s legal team counseled him to refrain from tweeting today, he decided to dictate some tweets to Jr.

This is how low the bar is - we shouldn’t expect the President of the United States to understand what’s bad about a national police force being beholden to one person’s whims. Look at how American we are, comrades.

You know, I’ve never held public office but I wouldn’t need that to be explained to me.

Well, you see, because the Devil is also real, and he apparently created this entire scheme of damnation that we call modern biology, and if you accept any of its facts or the fruits of scientific research, you’ll go to hell. Or something. I don’t know.

I don’t remember where I saw it originally but yes, it’s a thing. People will try anything to explain why terrible things happen in a universe governed by an all-powerful, all-loving God.

What’s that story about how God caused a man’s wife to be hit by a car so that the man would stay home to take care of her and repair his marriage and learn the value of family or love or some shit?

The Cold Void of Your Endless Shadow is the name of my new doom metal band.

Really shocked that a guy from the family whose best business practices read like the DSM IV-TR checklist for antisocial personality disorder would have trouble recognizing other human beings as people.

Whatever Kelly, you don’t know that peahen’s life.

I think the replacement will likely just be someone who Trump is more confident will just do as they are told. I think he (Trump) is getting frustrated by the fact that some of his stooges aren’t as stooge-like as he hoped.