Yog-Sothoth is the Gate

Who gets to decide which voices are cruel and uncivil? There are plenty of uncivil things that I have to say about the current Executive and Legislative branches of the government. I might even have some cruel things to say about them. Should I be suppressed? If not, why not?

The only times I was ever cited for dress code violations in high school were when I was wearing things that could have been actually physically dangerous, like a collar with huge spikes on it or a pair of handcuffs hanging from my belt. And even then, my punishment consisted of someone saying “don’t wear that to

While it’s true that the complaints about facial animations and “unfuckable” women were done to death, I still think that there are plenty of other reasons for people to be dissatisfied with ME: A.

For example, I was led to believe that I’d be playing a completely new story set in an entirely new galaxy, and that

The only thing worse than being forced to swallow pills is being accused of forcing someone to swallow pills.

I feel sick now.

Finally some explanation for why so many of my nightmares involve teeth or hair.

I mean I’m sure it did cause him emotional injury. It probably hurts every person who suddenly finds themselves held accountable for their horrific actions. Even if only by the court of public opinion.

I hope it hurts a lot.

I just want to point out, before anyone starts drawing unfair comparisons between this sort of rhetoric and the Nazis - you are wrong.

The Nazis didn’t consider extermination of the Jews until AFTER trying to deport them all didn’t work out. So. You know. Think about that.

One way to tell that a person represents the values and ideals of modern Western Civilization is when they use terms like “Christendom.”


PATRIOTISM, n. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name.


It’s okay, everybody. I’m sure they aren’t Real Christians.

There are some other substances that come out of human beings and are perfectly natural, and I’m willing to bet that you’d classify them as pollutants if I filled your house with them.

I don’t recall if it was in the remade Clash of the Titans or Wrath of Titans, but Zeus transforms himself into a bald eagle, which is endemic to North America. You know, like any ancient Greek God would do.

I’m sure that the United States will be just fine as long as we manage to value our technical and scientific expertise and retain highly skilled engineers and researchers to maintain our place at the top of.....oh.

I mean I just posted a Shakira/Danzig mashup because it’s funny, but if you want a serious recommendation I am prepared to make one.

Oh shut the fuck up, Glenn.