
Ah, yes. Stevia. Or "High Fructose Stevia Extract". The "all-natural" sweetener that tastes more bitter than Satan's armpit and is more highly chemically and artificially processed even than the dreaded "High Fructose Corn Syrup".

200lbs = 90kg.

Personally, I use Notepad2-Mod. If I need more than 2 things open, I'm probably developing something, at which point VS2013 comes out to play. 'cause I love me some intellisense, yo.

I had around 4 of various types, all gotten for free (Freecycle is great). We kept 2: A Brother HL-1440, which is a small black and white unit that is our workhorse main printer, and an Oki C5250N, a colour laser that does almost everything we need.

From the looks of it, it's a snow ripper, with a length of plastic sheeting attached to it's "Blade".

$100 per battery? Those are regular car-starting batteries he's using. The expensive bits are the controller and motor, and what he's got there are standard golf-cart units.

Now playing

Or you could get yourself some plumbimg pipe and do a little ebay work and build one yourself

I truly miss my Trackman Marble FX. Sure, it looks weird, but there are some key features that makes it awesome.

Or you can use Aero Snap to dock two websites to a single screen, for side-by-side browsing.

Or, alternatively, "You played it for her, now play it for me".

Ah, you want the "Book of Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", then. A supplemental rulebook for all your fade-to-black moments, including prophylactics, rules and tables for exhaustion due to... Let's just say it's rather complete, and leave it at that...

I had a friend who, thanks to the wonders of the extra symbols on the UK English keyboard, would type smileys as :¬)

These Routemasters were originally made back in 1957 or so. That makes them well over a half-century old. At this point, they only have enough RMs to run the heritage routes, because the rest are being cannibalized for parts to keep the heritage ones running. The company that made them (British Leyland) went bust in

Ladies and Gentlemen, Kevin Sorbo, taking a leaf out of the Nicholas Cage acting playbook.

Potentially I can see advantages to this approach when quitting harder drugs. While your body goes through the debilitating effects of withdrawl you are kept unconscious. However, it would require very careful monitoring and care, along with the proper stimulation to ensure muscles don't atrophy.

Saw the ending coming a mile off. Didn't stop that dust in the air, though...

Equilibrium was awesome, as way Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Skyline was a rather poor genre rip-off, and I can't say I ever saw "Daybreakers". You might also want to add to your list "Cube", "Sync" and "City of Ember".