
As opposed to the way that people in the ‘80s were obsessed with the ‘40s and ‘50s? Or the way the ‘90s were obsessed with the ‘60s? Or the way the noughties were obsessed with the ‘70s? Or how we’re obsessed with the ‘80s today? Doesn’t seem so unrealistic to me, especially when you consider knowing heaps about ‘80s

Aren’t all chaps assless?

This is stupid.

Logitech G700s. Four buttons on the side, plus the mouse wheel itself can move left and right for two more buttons. It's a godsend.

Logitech G700s. Four buttons on the side, plus the mouse wheel itself can move left and right for two more buttons.

This. Jesus Christ.

I don't know what your work setup is...but if your boss is cool...check this out.

Neither Toronto nor Montreal. It's a pure Saskatchewan production, primarily shot in Moose Jaw and Regina.

Magiquest - son has been playing it for years. Added bonus of the wand tracking the quests you've completed and the like, so it's kinda like a live-action RPG in a way.

Now playing

Primitive, but charming. Somewhat reminiscent of:

Personally, I think the ideal female body is Christina Hendricks, not some anorexic runway model.

Did they also make a big stink over them "smoothing out his scraggly-assed old man beard?" If not, perhaps they should be taking a closer look at the photos they are printing!

The didn't stumble upon some treasure trove of customer data. The malware that they installed grabbed the information out of the RAM memory of the cash registers in real time as the transactions were being processed.

Cool, but as nothing compared to the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation's Happy Vertical People Transporter:

Elevators: Modern elevators are strange and complex entities. The ancient electric winch and "maximum-capacity-eight-persons" jobs bear as much relation to a Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Happy Vertical People Transporter as a packet of mixed nuts does to the entire west wing of the Sirian State Mental Hospital.

Dark Star, one of John Carpenter's finest. It's like a bunch of 1970s MIT stoners remade 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Good Omens - best (non)Apocalypse ever!

I can't believe nobody's mentioned Red Dwarf yet!

What? No love for The Starlost? It even had Harlan Ellison... Sorry, Cordwainer Bird, as it's writer!