
Which is great. And some games also have soundtracks that are fine for streaming - Beat Saber, for instance. But when Jimmy Fallon played Beat Saber on his show, instantly all footage of anyone playing those tracks was hit with a DMCA claim.

See, that’s all well and good, but when you have assholes like “Diego Quintero”, whos “song” “Baby Koopa is Crying” is nothing more than a breakbeat with Mario sound effects (and a whole 1:32 of literally the Underworld theme from SMW), which is causing legitimate streams to be flagged and deleted.

In the age of digital storage of consciousness, criminals and the poor often place their consciousness in storage and “rent out” their physical bodies to travellers who need them (As you can transfer data, including minds, across multiple light-years near instantaneously, but physical things have to take the long,

Minor point, it’s “Meths”, as in Methuselah (The guy that lived the longest in the Bible, at 969 years old), not “Mechs”. While there is talk of artificial sleeves, this is not that.

Neither kind of cell has the energy density of Li-Ion, and they both have severe drawbacks (Patent entanglement, and memory effect)

MythTV has been doing commercial flagging for years, and they do exactly this (at least by default). They create an “Edit Decision List”, which is a tiny file (under 1k typically) with “in” and “out” points recorded within it. It’s then used in playback, so when an “out” is encountered, the player jumps straight to

“You can’t trick me, young man”, she said, “It’s Turtles all the way down!”

Decoupling the internal machinery from the power takeoff is called a Clutch. And 0 “Output RPM” != 0 RPM. Regular ICEs can do that too, it’s called being in neutral.

Take an electric drill. Adjust it’s clutch until it gives maximum torque (and doesn’t slip). Then hold it still (in a vice, for instance, or with your hands) and pull the trigger. There will still be a (very strong) force trying to turn the chuck vs. the handle, even if it’s not turning. If, however, you stop an

It’s quite possible your “Ecometer” is measuring vacuum. When engine braking, the vacuum is high (as the engine is being turned faster than idle by the wheels) but the fuel usage is virtually nothing, whereas when coasting/idling, the vacuum is low because there’s no load.

Except that it does. If you change the user-agent of Chrome, it’ll run the stream just fine. It’s Apple being butts, again.

Notice how every other building than Trump Tower has 3 “Towers” with the middle one extended. It’s Trump Tower, and 5 hands saying “Fuck You”.

So, after Rent, Phone, Cell, Internet, Power, Water, Sewage, Heat, Gasoline, Car Insurance, Vehicle Registration, Bank fees and Food, we have $1.20 in “Savings”. How, exactly, are we meant to split that up?

“The People” of Ready Player One were obsessed with the ‘80s because the biggest prize in all of history, Anorak’s Easter Egg, required them to be, what with the creator’s obsession with it. The prize was so big that everyone was, at least at one point or another, a Egg Hunter (gunter) of some description, which means

Not putting a single scene, but just the whole of “When the Wind Blows”. Oh look, it’s a cutesy animated film about a couple of old people, like grandma and grandpa. And it’s from the author of (and in the same art style) as that wonderful Christmas movie “The Snowman”. And David Bowie’s doing the music. And it’s

They’re not (only) going after her for Copyright infringement, however. That is the second part of the letter. The opening and primary charge is that she is violating the ToS of the Zillow site by taking and modifying the pictures from there. That’s contract law, not copyright law. And while it is an EULA (“By using

Or you could be a philistine and just use pre-ground coffee, like you’d use for a drip machine, in your french press. It works just as well.

Incidentally, there’s another feature built into that mushroom brake - To stop the vehicle “Diving” in braking, the rear brakes are driven directly from the rear suspension. So as you brake, the whole car hunkers down - the front end from the weight being thrown forward, and the rear end from the suspension driving

Okay, here’s the issue. Most escalators move at walking speed, to make it easier for people to get on and off safely. People walking up the escalator therefore move at 2n speed, where n is walking speed. That’s all well and good, until they get to the top. Then you have a line of people on the escalator moving at 2n