
You know, he's talking about resistive heating (which is, incidentally, what his system still uses, just with differing style electrodes). Why has nobody made an inductive heating tankless heater yet? It's (almost litereally) a coil wrapped around the pipe, that gets energized with a high frequency AC current - like

Oh, it causes that, too. You know how difficult it is to get it up while thinking about the hellish waterscape the world will become when the oceans rise? Waterworld ain't got nothing on it...

Exactly. And it's not as if they don't have sand down there. I seem to recall them scrambling to make bags filled with the stuff for some reason...

Okay, let's go through this point-by-point.

Al Gore has publicly stated: "Tipper and I are devoting 100 percent of the profits from the book and the movie to a new bipartisan educational campaign to further spread the message about global warming."

Sennheisers are made to do things right - namely they have as flat a profile as you can get. The idea is that you start with a flat profile from source to ear, then use an EQ to shape the sound to your liking, rather than getting a heavily adulterated pair of headphones and having to use an EQ to reign in their issues.

Actually, Ultraviolet (Which is an awesome series, and nobody can tell me different. Also: Early Idris Elba!) was commissioned and run by Channel 4 in the UK. Not the BBC.

Yeah, but B5 was screwed over by it's network. They were told they were going to be 5 seasons, then mid-way through S3 they were told "Actually, only 4 seasons, that's cool, right?" So they tied everything up, and just before S4 finished, they said "Oh, we do have enough for one more. That won't be a problem, right?"

Why would they stick to a nice, rigid formation? It gives you a nice clean row of targets to take out.

Finally, Windows gets a RAM drive that works like the Amiga's did. Welcome (finally) to 1985!

When I was using our local cable provider (Access Communications), there was a cap (75Gb in a 30-day period), but that got very old, very fast. So we switched to the phone company (SaskTel)'s DSL offering (Technically, their VHDSL offering), and now we have better speeds and no cap.

Yes, "100% Natural". Just like Arsenic.

You NEED to watch this with the RiffTrax commentary. Seriously.

Exactly. You can always put more layers on, but it's hard to take off your skin and sit in your bones to cool off.

I know they were rare to see, but now they're being sold in Home Depots (At least, here in Canada they are), so they're getting more mainstream. I don't believe there's much of a market for Nest thermostats (as they stand) outside of North America however, because European heating systems tend to be very different

I wonder if they're interested in the SCA songbook. That has many a fine filk in it.

I think you'll find that's an example of a Stirling Engine.

Jake 2.0? Is that the series that was like D.A.R.Y.L?

And you get all those stupid people who go "Yay! It's going to +3c today!", not realizing that +3c will make the snow melt nicely (Which they like, obviously), and the -10c overnight will make it freeze again, but this time in nice solid sheets of compacted ice.