
Try talking to your congressman:

Or just regulations that aren't totally stupid.

It's not the LED lights that are the problem, it's the HID ones. And, in most (if not all) cases, it's badly adjusted and poorly aimed headlights.

In areas of the world where regulations aren't completely stupid, vehicle headlights are aimed specifically (Rather than just being "x high off the ground"), with a distinct beam pattern, and very rarely dazzle oncoming drivers.

Where's the dislike button? WHERE?!

What? No love for The Starlost? It even had Harlan Ellison... Sorry, Cordwainer Bird, as it's writer!

And Kate Mulgrew in both too, so there's some of the Trek crowd. :)

You do realize that MS press release was from 2011, don't you? The Next-Gen OS they were talking about was Windows 8 RT.

Different markets. This is around a 10th the pixel-slinging power of current desktop graphics cards. But it's also using around a 20th of the power consumption.

192 = 64 * 3. So they can build a 64-core "Section", put them 4-to-a-chip, and disable/remove a poorly-performing section on each chip for better yields. Chances are, once their manufacturing gets more reliable on these new chips, you may start seeing 256-core units coming out, albeit at greater cost.

And they all run at several hundred watts (Both for power and TDP), whereas this chip is 5W. Oh, and it's a quad-core (or dual-core 64-bit) CPU in there too. In theory, if you parallel connected 50 of these, to match the power draw (Assuming 250W power draw), you'd have 18,250 GFLOPS. And 200 32-bit (or 100 64-bit)

I'm sorry, that's not bad weather at all. Here's what we've got for the moment:

Except then you'd have 1-of-4 (The original chicken), and it's offspring 1-of-4. Or did you mean to imply 1-of-4-of-1-of-4 ("1-of-4" of "1-of-4")? Which would get complicated and cumbersome fairly quickly.

I knew someone would have come up with the paradox of Trigger's Broom sometime before. Those greeks, they were a clever lot.

And let's not forget the confusion of dates, and their endian-ness.

It seems to me that this is incredibly simple. And, TBH, he would have been better off using RaspbMC.

Except that if you call the past from now on a tachyon antitelephone, how are you going to hear the response of whoever you're talking to?

Quite aside from this, there's the DS' grandchild, the Citroen CX (The "Estate" or "Wagon" version) in Children of Men, albeit with some cosmetic (ugly) modifications to the nose:

It also meant they could cross-link systems - Turn hard to one side, and the "Outside" suspension got stiffer while the "inside" suspension got looser, to keep the car level. Stand on the brakes and the rear brake pads were pushed using force from the rear suspension, so the back drops to counter the natural front-end

And these days, the power steering and the suspension are tied into the same electrical system. What's your point?