
I'm on UKNova, which is great for UK TV, and pretty fast. They don't do invites, though, they just have a limited number of spaces available (35,000 at the moment), and they automatically purge dead (over 42 days without access) and low ratio accounts. Higher upload quantities and helping out the site get you extra

Considering Hornby owns Scalextric, it's not all that surprising. Chances are they had to make some refinements because of the difference in speed and the quality of the connection.

If you're in Europe, then you're in luck. Grab yourself one of the common Diesel-engined cars/trucks/vans, and add a press in the back, and you've got yourself a simple, efficient and pretty much non-stop supply of fuel. Here's how it works.

Obligatory XKCD

Well, it would be if he spelled it right. In this particular case, you can ignore what your spellcheck tells you, the proper title is "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (Or even: "The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere", as Coleridge wrote it in old English).

The metallic sound comes from the AD2P compression necessary to fit a stereo audio signal through a bluetooth-sized connection.

Except Scouts. They shake with their left hands, as a sign of respect.

I hate to correct, but I think you mean "The SERIES of Red Letter Media reviews about how awful the prequels are". Really, he did all 3.

Why? Small and light HMD (Something like i-Glasses or a Glasstron), with a (slim and light) backpack-form-factor PC (A higher-end laptop with extended battery capacity would do fine) and you've got an extremely comfortable, small and light "wearable" computing platform that would work perfectly.

Erm, no. The two screens would be showing the same area. The images would be overlapping. Thus it would still be a 16:9 display. Though it appears (from the image, at least) that this is a 4:3 display. Still, would make for excellent HMDs for Virtual Reality and the like. I wonder if someone has a few spare so I can

If you've got mplayerx, why not go the next step and use mencoder and mp4creator? Something like:

Chances are, your monitor screen is 4:3, but it's being fed a signal with non-square pixels (1280x1024, for example). Those resolutions are a throwback to old, original dos resolutions (320x256).

So then don't transcode, remux. Use MKVMerge to copy the stream from whatever format vegas/premiere has put out and mux it into the MKV container.

Actually, neither one supports MKV. But the software he's using for the PS3 does support remuxing MKvs, which is why it appears to be supported. The best thing I've found for streaming video to different devices, no matter their supported capabilities, is Serviio ([serviio.org]). It'll also remux or re-encode on the

Why, that's elementary, my dear Krakenstein2, that's "Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century". Unless I've missed something and been asleep for the last hundred years (Entirely possible, you know), we're still in the 21st century.

Now playing

I was just thinking that (Skip to 0:12 for the actual credits)

Interestingly, in my UK release I seem to recall there being an extra deleted scene, where Sigourney starts stripping (well, undoing the front of her uniform) to distract a guard while Allen takes him out. Though, of course it being real life, they both turn and stare at her.

Or you could use Trillian, which has had this for over a year now. Or Skype, which also does it.

Again? Really? I've recommended it before, but I'll do so again: If you need to block an RFID card or two, grab one of the pictured (It's a metal business card holder, you can even get them customized, if you're into that kind of thing). It'll set you back around $1.50, and the total coverage acts as a faraday cage

Semiconducting crystals and lasers? I think Mister Freeze would like to have a word with you about "Prior Art".